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CC Minutes - 06/08/09 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/08/09 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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<br />M I N U T E S <br /> <br /> <br />Eugene City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Council Chamber—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br /> <br /> June 8, 2009 <br /> 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Chris Pryor, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Mike Clark, <br />Alan Zelenka, Betty Taylor, Jennifer Solomon. <br /> <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. <br /> <br />1. PUBLIC FORUM <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br /> <br />Judith Van <br />, 89326 Old Coburg Road, noted that she had spoken to the council on a prior occasion on the <br />issue regarding the Local Improvement District (LID) on Chad Drive/Old Coburg Road. She declared that <br />the City could not afford it and neither could she. She also did not want the improvements and did not <br />believe it would benefit her. She opined that it would not provide the City with $2 million in benefits. She <br />said she would be losing her trees and most of her frontage. She averred that because it was a detriment to <br />her property, she should not be assessed the amount the City intended to assess her. She did not want to pay <br />for improvements that would not help her property. She said she had done everything but beg. She related <br />that she could not afford to pay $13,000 and she considered the interest the City would charge to be unjust. <br />She indicated her willingness to pay for the sewer line, however. She felt that the street assessment policy <br />was not an appropriate way for the City to conduct itself. <br /> <br />Teri Reifer <br />, 695 Crest Drive, asked the council to delay the Crest Drive project until after the City Council <br />reconsidered the assessment policy. She noted that the last code change had taken two years, but she did not <br />think another code change should take that long. She had heard a lot of the councilors indicate that a <br />remonstrance would give them pause. She understood that the bids had come in lower for the project <br />because of the economy, but said it was important to remember that the economy was hurting the residents, <br />too. <br /> <br />Kim Heddinger <br />, 763 Crest Drive, Ward 2, shared her comments regarding the Crest Drive/Storey <br />Boulevard/Friendly Street project. She averred that the streets had not been maintained “at all” since they <br />had been annexed into the City. She objected to assessing only a small number of residents with street <br />frontage for the project. She found it “ironic” that the road was smooth once it was out of city limits. She <br />felt that the problem was that the City “never bothered” to maintain the road. She opined that the Eugene <br />City Code was so complicated that citizens would need “a degree from Harvard” to understand it. She <br />considered the input from the City engineer to be “double-speak.” She believed the assessment should be <br />one price for all. She was disheartened that the street classification had been changed from a collector <br />because stimulus funds were available for collector streets. She suggested that a charge to the entire City <br />would help the assessment to not be a “life changing” event. She also suggested that the City should <br />resurface the street over its existing footprint and charge everyone in a specific ward or at least the people <br />who could not access their residences without using the streets that were being assessed. She believed that <br />the neighbors in her area had been very articulate in their opposition to what she considered to be a “very <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 8, 2009 Page 1 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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