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Item 3F: Ratification of IGR Minutes of October 21, 2009
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 01/11/10 Meeting
Item 3F: Ratification of IGR Minutes of October 21, 2009
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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ATTACHMENT A <br />M I N U T E S <br />Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations <br />McNutt Room—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />October 21, 2009 <br />1:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Betty Taylor, Chair; George Poling, member; Brenda Wilson, Jessica Mumme, City <br />Manager's Office; Robin Hostick, Planning and Development Department; Kitty Piercy, <br />Mayor. <br />ABSENT: Andrea Ortiz, member. <br />1. Call to Order and Review Agenda <br />Ms. Taylor called the meeting of the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) to <br />order. She ascertained from her colleagues and staff that there were no changes to the agenda. <br />2. Review and Questions on 2009 Regular Legislative Session <br />Ms. Taylor asked if the committee should do something about the bills that they had supported but that had <br />not been passed in the Legislature. Ms. Wilson recommended that the CCIGR wait until the 2011 session. <br />She related that the upcoming special session, scheduled to begin on February 1, 2010, would primarily <br />focus on Ballot Measures (BM) 66 and 67, because if they did not pass it would create a $733 million hole <br />in the budget. <br />Ms. Wilson stated that the Legislature was holding three all-day meetings per month to review issues that <br />need to be corrected in the upcoming session. She noted that she had provided a partial list of those issues <br />to the members of the CCIGR. She explained that Legislative leadership were indicating that State <br />Representatives would be limited to only one bill, State Senators would be limited to two bills, and <br />Legislative Committees would be limited to two bills. She said this was because all of the bills had to pass <br />through both chambers and get to the Governor before the end of the special session which, with the <br />exception of the Ways and Means Committee, was required to end after three weeks. She noted that there <br />was a rumor that the Senate President would introduce a bill to move to annual sessions, but if this was <br />introduced and passed it would not go into effect until 2013. She recommended that the CCIGR begin the <br />process now for the bills that it supported but were not passed in the past session so they could be <br />introduced in 2011. <br />Mr. Poling asked if they were also considering increasing term limits for representatives along with a <br />change to annual sessions. Ms. Wilson replied that they were not, but they were thinking of reducing the <br />annual session from six to five months. <br />Mr. Poling commented that he would support a four-year term instead of a two-year term, because of the <br />amount of time campaigning required. Ms. Taylor concurred. <br />Ms. Taylor reiterated her concern that bills that were important and were not passed, such as some of the <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations October 21, 2009 Page 1 <br />
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