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ATTACHMENT A <br />M I N U T E S <br />Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations <br />McNutt Room—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />January 27, 2010 <br />1:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Betty Taylor, Chair; Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, members; Brenda Wilson, Jessica <br />Mumme, City Manager's Office; Steve Nystrom, Planning and Development Department; <br />Larry Hill, Financial Services; Connie Bennett, Library, Recreation, Cultural Services De- <br />partment; Mike Penwell, Facility Management, Central Services Department; Kitty Piercy, <br />Mayor. <br />1. Call to Order and Review Agenda <br />Ms. Taylor called the meeting of the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) to order <br />and asked if there were any changes to the agenda. She noted that they would elect a new chair, given that <br />it was a new year. <br />Intergovernmental Relations Manager, Brenda Wilson, added an item to discuss meeting times given that <br />the special session would convene on February 1 and an item intended to update the CCIGR on the United <br />Front lobbying effort. Ms. Taylor suggested that those be included in the last agenda item. <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Ms. Taylor, nominated Mr. Poling as chair. Mr. Poling was <br />elected by a unanimous vote, 3:0. <br />Ms. Taylor passed the responsibilities of chair to Mr. Poling and Mr. Poling continued the meeting. <br />2. Approval of Minutes <br />Ms. Taylor, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held <br />on December 16, 2009, as written. The motion passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />3. NEA Big Read Grant Opportunity <br />Mr. Poling opened the floor for questions. <br />Ms. Wilson explained, for the record, that the grant was a National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big <br />Read opportunity and it was a request for $12,000 for staff wages, materials, and activities for the <br />program. She said the grant required a match, which was why it was being brought to the CCIGR. She <br />added that the due date was February 2. <br />Ms. Ortiz asked if the grant would be something the library would be able to continue. Connie Bennett, <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations January 27, 2010 Page 1 <br />