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Item 2C: Ratification of IGR Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 02/22/10 Meeting
Item 2C: Ratification of IGR Minutes
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:33:58 PM
Creation date
2/19/2010 11:27:09 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Library Services Director, replied that it was a one-time opportunity. She said if they received the grant, <br />the activity would occur sometime during the next school year. She noted that in the past the library had <br />engaged in other community reading programs using other funding sources. She underscored that the <br />grant represented an opportunity to garner one-time funds. <br />Mayor Piercy pointed out that the source of the local match was funds donated by the Friends of the <br />Eugene Public Library. <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to support the grant application. The motion <br />passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />4. Request for Support of Federal Legislation <br />Ms. Wilson explained that the City was being requested to support United States Senate Bill 2747, which <br />was an appropriations bill that would fully fund the Land, Water, and Conservation Fund. She said the <br />fund had been “woefully” underfunded in the past years. She related that they were asking Senators <br />Wyden and Merkley to become co-sponsors of the bill. She stated that the fund was one of the only ones <br />available for the purchase of public lands for national parks and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) <br />activities, such as the ones involved with the West Eugene Wetlands project. <br />Ms. Taylor, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to support the request. The motion passed un- <br />animously, 3:0. <br />5. Review Pending Legislation <br />Ms. Wilson stated that there were Legislative Concepts included in the list. She said they would not <br />become bills until the Legislative Session started on Monday, February 1. <br />Legislative Concept 108 <br />Ms. Wilson explained that staff recommended a Priority 2 Oppose. <br />Ms. Taylor indicated her preference to support the bill. <br />Steve Nystrom, Principal Planner, stated that he had reviewed the bill further he had determined that the <br />bill only applied to the Portland area. He wanted to change his recommendation to Drop. <br />Ms. Taylor, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to Drop LC 108. The motion passed unanim- <br />ously, 3:0. <br />Mayor Piercy asked to place LC 116 on the list. <br />Ms. Wilson said she had recommended adoption of a Priority 3 Support position on the bill. She stated <br />that the bill had not been pulled for discussion. She added that the subject, relating to containers made <br />with bisphenol, was something that both the federal government and the state legislature were reviewing. <br />Mayor Piercy noted that the Oregon Toxics Alliance was taking some leadership on the issue. She had <br />wanted to bring to people’s attention that there was also a local effort taken on it. <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations January 27, 2010 Page 2 <br />
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