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Item 2C: Ratification of IGR Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 02/22/10 Meeting
Item 2C: Ratification of IGR Minutes
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:33:58 PM
Creation date
2/19/2010 11:27:09 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Legislative Concept 139 <br />Ms. Wilson stated that after further review, staff had changed its recommendation for a position on the bill <br />from Monitor to Drop. She said she had been concerned about the changes in the lien process for <br />contractors, specifically whether or not the changes in the lien process would impact projects that the City <br />was engaged in. She related that three staff members had reviewed the bill and determined that it would <br />not impact the City. Ms. Taylor had pulled it for discussion. <br />In response to a question from Ms. Taylor, Ms. Wilson said the City did not govern issues between private <br />landowners and contractors. <br />Ms. Taylor indicated that she had been looking to provide further protection for private property owners. <br />She was amenable to taking a Drop position. <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to Drop LC 139. The motion passed unanim- <br />ously, 3:0. <br />House Bill 3621 <br />Ms. Wilson explained that the bill had to do with backflow testing. <br />Facilities Manager Mike Penwell said he wanted to change the staff position from one of being Neutral to <br />a Monitor. He was not concerned that the bill would impact the City of Eugene. He stated that the City <br />would still be allowed to do its backflow testing and maintenance with its own staff. <br />Mr. Poling agreed, noting that he had brought it up because he thought it should be monitored and if a <br />grandfather clause was added, the City should support the bill. <br />Mr. Penwell related that after subsequent review, he had determined that the grandfather clause was still <br />intact. He said the way it could potentially affect the City in the future would be if it started relying more <br />on on-call contractors, which would increase the cost because the bill would make it so only plumbers <br />would be allowed to do the work. He commented that the plumbers union was strong in the state and a <br />“fair number” of bills came forward along the lines of the one before them. <br />Mr. Poling, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to take a Monitor position on HB 3621. The <br />motion passed unanimously, 3:0. <br />House Bill 3608 <br />Ms. Wilson related that Ethan Nelson, Solid Waste Management Program Manager, believed that the bill <br />could correspond to the City’s Legislative Policy. She said he thought Eugene would support a regulatory <br />process that would provide incentives and financial measures for preservation and natural resources and <br />that would promote sustainable energy policies. She noted that Ms. Taylor had pulled the bill. <br />Ms. Taylor thought the City should oppose the bill. <br />Larry Hill, Senior Management Analyst for the Finance Division, stated that he had reviewed the bill only <br />in terms of the fiscal impact and the bill would have minimal direct fiscal impact on the City. He had not <br />judged the bill based on the policies and he would defer to Mr. Nelson in that respect. <br />MINUTES—Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations January 27, 2010 Page 3 <br />
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