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URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />E. Cushman D. Mozan EPD-ADM 01/26/2010 Pri 3 No Support <br />Comments: We support this bill, which was introduced at the request of the Senate Interim <br />Committee on Judiciary. The primary impact of the bill will be to limit the ability for <br />certain persons convicted of more than one felony to petition for relief from the provision <br />that they not possess firearms. We do not believe that persons who have been convicted <br />of multiple felonies should be able to possess firearms because of the potential threat <br />those persons present to members of the community and to officers. The bill also adds <br />wording to clarify that certain firearms restrictions apply to mentally ill persons who have <br />been committed to the Department of Human Services as well as to the Oregon Health <br />Authority (although persons in this category are allowed to petition for relief from those <br />restrictions). <br />SB 1009 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to plastic bags; creating new provisions; amending ORS 459.235 and <br />459A.115; repealing ORS 459A.695; and declaring an emergency. <br />Title: Prohibits use of plastic bags as checkout bags. Allows Department of <br />Environmental Quality to impose civil penalty. Repeals statute requiring retail <br />establishments that offer plastic bags to customers to also offer paper bags. <br />Declares emergency, effective on passage. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator HASS; Senator ATKINSON (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Ethan Nelson PDD-BPS 01/26/2010 Pri 3 Yes VII.A.4b Oppose <br />Comments: This bill's goal is to reduce the environmental impact of plastic bags. If the bill were <br />passed, it would most likely accomplish this goal with a tangible benefit to 1) decreased <br />litter, 2) reduction of contamination in material recovery facilities (MRF) and 3) decrease <br />in environmental pollutants associated with the manufacture of plastic bags. But, the <br />reason to oppose this bill is that there would be a rebounding environmental impact in <br />that disposable bags would still be available at checkouts. This means paper bags or <br />alternatives. While paper bags are more likely to be recycled than plastic, the <br />environmental impacts (including production of GHG’s) associated with the production <br />of paper bags far outweigh those associated with plastic bags. Other alternatives include <br />oxy-degradable bags. These bags only break into smaller pieces and the impact to the <br />environment of these is not known. Additionally, when they break down in a landfill they <br />increase production of methane. Lastly, the degradable bags are very difficult to discern <br />between plastic bags, which if source separated, can be recycled, therefore possibly <br />7 | Page <br />