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increasing the contamination rate of a recyclable material. Additionally, if the goal is to <br />reduce MRF contamination, programs targeting the use of reusable bags (to decrease the <br />number of plastic bags), better education of curbside recycling customers, or investments <br />to retool existing MRF's with better separation technologies would be a much more cost <br />effective approach. The City of Seattle adopted a similar policy (a tax) and faced an <br />immediate referendum that passed. <br />SB 1018 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to sobriety checkpoints; and prescribing an effective date. <br />Title: Authorizes law enforcement agencies to establish sobriety checkpoints. Takes <br />effect only if Senate Joint Resolution 43 (2010) is approved by people at next <br />regular general election. Takes effect on effective date of constitutional <br />amendment proposed in Senate Joint Resolution 43 (2010). <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator MONROE (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />E. Cushman E. Cushman EPD-ADM 01/27/2010 Pri 3 Yes V. C7 Support <br />Comments: We support this bill, which would authorize law enforcement agencies to establish <br />sobriety checkpoints to enforce DUII laws if certain conditions were met. First, SJR 43 <br />would have to pass, referring an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to the voters at a <br />general election. Then the voters would have to pass the constitutional amendment in <br />order for this bill to take effect. Even if that happened, the bill simply provides authority <br />for police agencies to utilize sobriety checkpoints---it would still be a decision by each <br />jurisdiction whether to use them at all and, if so, how frequently. The bill also requires <br />that such checkpoints be conducted in a manner consistent with the federal guidelines <br />issued by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Sobriety checkpoints are <br />potentially a very useful tool to identify and apprehend persons driving under the <br />influence of intoxicants---a violation which results in many deaths every year, and has <br />resulted in deaths in this community. <br />SB 1025 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to radon in buildings; and declaring an emergency. <br />Title: Requires Building Codes Structures Board and Residential and Manufactured <br />Structures Board to adopt radon mitigation standards for certain buildings. <br />Requires Real Estate Agency to develop information concerning radon in one <br />and two family dwellings and to make information to potential buyers of one and <br />two family dwellings by specific date. Declares emergency, effective on passage. <br />8 | Page <br />