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Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator DINGFELDER; Senators BATES, BONAMICI, <br />BURDICK, EDWARDS, HASS, MONNES ANDERSON, MONROE, <br />ROSENBAUM, SCHRADER, SHIELDS, VERGER, Representatives <br />BUCKLEY, CANNON, DEMBROW, HOLVEY, RILEY, ROBLAN, <br />STIEGLER, TOMEI (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Mark Whitmill PDD-BPS 01/27/2010 Monitor <br />Comments: I recommend that we monitor this bill. Since Lane County is not one of the counties <br />specifically listed in the bill, this does not currently affect Eugene. However, if the bill is <br />revised to include Lane County, I believe the City should support the bill as it is directly <br />related to policy and building dept goals of ensuring safe buildings. There are areas in <br />Lane County where radon has been measured to be at unhealthy levels in buildings. If the <br />bill is revised to be applicable in Eugene, there may be additional costs to the City to <br />administer and enforce the mitigation standards. These would need to be covered by <br />existing or new building permit fees. <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Mike Penwell CS-FAC 01/26/2010 Monitor <br />Comments: The bill as written doesn't currently apply to Lane County, though it could in the future. <br />However, radon is not prevalent in Lane County so this bill is unlikely to have any effect <br />on the City of Eugene. We should monitor the bill, however, in case it is expanded to <br />include Lane County. <br />SB 1050 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to public subsidies for structures on real property. <br />Title: Prohibits public body from providing public subsidy for purpose of constructing, <br />reconstructing, renovating, altering, maintaining or repairing, or entering into <br />contract to construct, reconstruct, renovate, alter, maintain or repair, structure on <br />real property unless iron, steel and manufactured goods used in structure are <br />made within United States. Provides that prohibition does not apply if public <br />body or contracting agency finds that amount or quality of iron, steel or <br />manufactured goods made within United States are insufficient or in applying <br />prohibition would increase cost or contract price by more than 25 percent. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator VERGER; Senators KRUSE, METSGER, ROSENBAUM, <br />SCHRADER, WHITSETT, Representatives BARKER, BARTON, HOLVEY, <br />KAHL, SCHAUFLER, VANORMAN, WITT (at the request of Oregon State <br />Building and Construction Trades Council, Oregon ALF-CIO, Oregon <br />AFSCME) (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />9 | Page <br />