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Item 3: Ratification of Unanimous IGR Actions
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 02/22/10 Meeting
Item 3: Ratification of Unanimous IGR Actions
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:45:22 PM
Creation date
2/19/2010 11:30:54 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Comments: The Council and the Sustainability GHG emissions and the Community Climate and <br />Energy Plan now being developed will very likely include some recommendations for <br />reducing GHG emissions, including reducing vehicle miles travelled. We’ve got vision <br />and goal congruence at the state and local level on this, but there are some significant <br />problems with this bill. It looks like, but lacks some important aspects of, the MPO GHG <br />Task Force Legislative Concepts Report. Specifically, the bill requires action at the local <br />level and does not address funding, and it does not take the phased approach suggested by <br />the MPO effort. If the funding piece was an oversight and it is addressed in later version, <br />would recommend reconsidering City's position on the bill. <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Eric Jones PW-ADM 01/25/2010 -- -- <br />Comments: To Kevin Finney to see if he would like to have input on bill. <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Rob Inerfeld PWE 01/27/2010 Pri 1 Yes IV.A Oppose <br />Comments: Councilor Zelenka was the MPO representative to the MPO Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Task Force. The Task Force created a carefully crafted consensus report called the <br />Legislative Concepts report. This proposed legislation is counter to the Legislative <br />Concepts report in several key ways: it does not provide a phased approach; the Task <br />Force report only requires action contingent on funding provided by the State but this bill <br />requires action at the local level regardless; this bill provides no funding to local <br />governments or MPOs for modeling, planning or implementation; it puts responsibility <br />completely at the local level rather than involving MPOs as well. If this bill were moved <br />closer to the Task Force report, then I think we should possibly support it. It might be <br />worth checking in with Councilor Zelenka since he was on the task force. <br />SJR 0043 <br />Relating Clause: Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution authorizing sobriety checkpoints for <br />law enforcement purposes. <br />Title: Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution authorizing sobriety checkpoints for <br />law enforcement purposes. Refers proposed amendment to people for their <br />approval or rejection at next regular general election. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator MONROE (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />E. Cushman E. Cushman EPD-ADM 01/27/2010 Pri 3 Yes V.C7 Support <br />Comments: We support this resolution, which would refer an amendment to the Oregon Constitution <br />to the voters at a general election authorizing the use of sobriety checkpoints to enforce <br />DUII laws in Oregon. This SJR would simply put the question to the voters as to whether <br />they want to support this constitutional amendment. If the voters approved the <br />12 | Page <br />
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