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amendment, and if SB 1008 (or an equivalent bill) were approved, such action simply <br />provides authority for police agencies to utilize sobriety checkpoints---it would still be a <br />decision by each jurisdiction whether to use them at all and, if so, how frequently. <br />Sobriety checkpoints are potentially a very useful tool to identify and apprehend persons <br />driving under the influence of intoxicants---a violation which results in many deaths <br />every year, and has resulted in deaths in this community. <br />SJR 0046 <br />Relating Clause: Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit awards of noneconomic <br />damages against health care providers, nonprofit corporations and public bodies <br />to $1 million. <br />Title: Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit awards of noneconomic <br />damages against health care providers, nonprofit corporations and public bodies <br />to $1 million. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or <br />rejection at next regular general election. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senator GIROD; Senators ATKINSON, BOQUIST, FERRIOLI, <br />KRUSE, MORSE, TELFER, WHITSETT, WINTERS (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Myrnie Daut CS-HRRS 01/27/2010 Pri 2 No Support <br />Comments: During the 2009 legislative session the legislature passed tort claim reform which <br />increased tort claim liability for state and local governments. The provisions in this <br />resolution would limit tort claim liability for non-economic damages for the state and <br />local governments as well as health care providers and non profit organizations which <br />would be favorable to these entities. <br />13 | Page <br />