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ATTACHMENT C <br />HB 3609 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to enterprise zones; creating new provisions; amending ORS 285C.105, <br />285C.200, 285C.210, 285C.225, 285C.230, 285C.235 and 285C.240; and <br />prescribing an effective date. <br />Title: Permits enterprise zone sponsor to waive employment requirements and extend <br />property tax exemption period for authorized firms under certain economic <br />conditions. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Representative OLSON, Senator MORSE (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Larry Hill 01/13/2010 Pri 2 Yes II.B9 Support <br /> CS-FIN <br />Comments: HB 3609 would allow the local sponsor of an enterprise zone, under certain conditions, to <br />modify the requirements imposed on businesses benefiting from an enterprise zone tax <br />exemption. This could occur if there has been a decline for two or more consecutive <br />quarters in employment and the county unemployment rate is 2 percentage points higher <br />than the state unemployment rate. The legislation's purpose is to allow flexibility to the <br />local sponsoring government to further assist an enterprise zone business during an <br />economic downturn. There could be a negative effect on city revenues if an enterprise <br />zone tax exemption were extended under the proposed legislation, but this impact would <br />be under the control of the local government. City legislative policies specifically call for <br />increased local enterprise zone flexibility. <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Richie Weinman 01/20/2010 -- No -- <br /> PDD-DEV <br />Comments: Will defer to Larry Hill. This bill enables local jurisdictions to relax job creation <br />standards in Enterprise Zones during difficult economic times. This is enabling <br />legislation and there is no requirement for any jurisdiction to participate. Generally <br />Eugene supports actions that promote local flexibility and oppose actions that limit local <br />flexibility. Since this bill doesn't directly impact Eugene we should stay neutral. <br />