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ATTACHMENT B <br />IGR Committee Meeting <br />Wednesday, February 3, 2010 <br />HB 3609 <br />Pulled for discussion by Councilor Taylor. Larry Hill was the staff person <br />Neutral, <br />to speak. Councilor Taylor moves the bill to Councilor Ortiz <br />seconds. Mayor Piercy comments that she doesn’t share Councilor <br />Taylor’s view on Enterprise Zone. She would like to know the implication <br />of the bill further, and instead monitor the bill to hear arguments, and <br />bring the bill back. Councilor Taylor changes her motion to move the bill <br />Monitor <br />to, Councilor Ortiz seconds. Councilor Poling votes against the <br />This bill will go before full City Council. <br />motion. <br />HB 3640 <br />Pulled for discussion by Brenda Wilson and Councilor Ortiz. Larry Hill <br />Support, <br />was the staff person to speak. Councilor Ortiz moves the bill to <br />(No Priority Stated), <br />Councilor Taylor seconds. All in favor. <br />SB 1050 <br />Pulled for discussion by Councilor Taylor. Mike Penwell and Paul Klope <br />were the staff persons to speak. Councilor Taylor moves the bill to <br />Monitor, <br /> Councilor Poling seconds. All in favor. <br />SB 1009 <br />Pulled for discussion by Councilor Ortiz. Ethan Nelson was the staff <br />Monitor, <br />person to speak. Councilor Ortiz moves the bill to Councilor <br />Taylor seconds. All in favor. <br />SB 1059 <br />Pulled for discussion by Councilor Ortiz. Brenda Wilson was the staff <br />person to speak. No change in staff recommendation was taken on the bill; <br />Priority 1, Oppose. <br />it remains at <br />