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results of study and, if system is viable, proposed plan for implementation to <br />interim legislative committees. Declares emergency, effective on passage. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Representative WITT (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Myrnie Daut 01/25/2010 No Monitor <br /> CS-HRRS <br />Comments: This bill is for a study only but if employer "pay or play" health insurance system was <br />implemented it could potentially have a significant impact on the City. <br />HB 3640 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to cancellation of ad valorem tax assessment of personal property; <br />creating new provisions; amending ORS 308.250 and 308.290; and prescribing <br />an effective date. <br />Title: Requires county assesor in county with population of more than 340,000 to <br />cancel property tax assessment for manufactured structures if total assessed value <br />of all manufactured structures taxable as personal property of taxpayer is less <br />than $12,500. Takes effect of 91st day following adjournment sine die. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Representative HOYLE (Presession filed.) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Richie Weinman 01/20/2010 -- -- <br /> PDD-DEV <br />Comments: We defer to Larry’s comments. <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Larry Hill 01/12/2010 Pri 1 Yes II.A2 Oppose <br /> CS-FIN <br />Comments: The City’s long-time position on additional property tax exemption is to oppose them. <br />Local government property tax revenue is suffering the “death of a thousand cuts”; a little <br />exemption here, another little exemption there, every year. It adds up to big money. This <br />bill, if passed, would have no revenue impact on the state because the state does not <br />depend on property taxes. Exemptions are a way for the legislature to fund their social <br />programs or political goals without incurring any cost to state programs. Local <br />governments and schools are the ones that suffer. <br />I recommend the City of Eugene maintain our historic legislative policy and strongly <br />oppose legislation granting additional property tax exemptions. If this is a worthwhile <br />social goal, the Legislature should fund the property tax relief directly out of state <br />revenue, not out of the City’s revenue. If this proposal were in effect this tax year, FY10, <br />it would reduce the City’s total property tax revenue by $67,000. The total taxable value <br />4 | Page <br />