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Item 3: Ratification of Unanimous IGR Actions
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 02/22/10 Meeting
Item 3: Ratification of Unanimous IGR Actions
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6/9/2010 12:45:22 PM
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2/19/2010 11:30:54 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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of the subject property within Eugene is currently more than $8 million and the total <br />FY10 tax loss to city, county, LCC, 4J and Bethel School Districts within city boundaries <br />would have been $138,430. <br />SB 0990 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to unemployment insurance benefits; creating new provisions; amending <br />ORS 657.321 and section 10, chapter 115, Oregon Laws 2009, and sections 8 and <br />9, chapter 857, Oregon Laws 2009; and declaring an emergency. <br />Title: Modifies definition of "emergency benefit period" to begin on first week that <br />begins at least 14 days after effective date of Act and ending when total of <br />Oregon emergency benefits paid reaches $19 million. Adjusts maximum Oregon <br />emergency benefits individual may receive to 23 percent of individual's most <br />recent regular unemployment benefit claim. Authorizes Employment Department <br />to adopt rules providing for eligibility period for purposes of extended benefits if <br />federal law provides for greater than 50 percent funding of extended benefits. <br />Declares emergency, effective on passage. <br />Sponsored By: Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President of the <br />Senate in conformance with pre-session filing rules, indicating neither advocacy <br />nor opposition on the part of the President (at the request of Senate Interim <br />Committee on Commerce and Workforce Development) <br />URL: <br />Contact Respondent Dept Updated Priority Policy Policy No Recommendation <br />Jamie Iboa Jan Bergquist CS-HRRS 01/27/2010 Pri 3 No Neutral <br />Comments: This bill generalizes the period of Emergency Benefits whereas previously it had a <br />specific date range and it places a limit on the total. It also reduces the maximum benefit <br />to 23% of the most recent unemployment benefit claim, rather than 50%. The City is self- <br />insured for unemployment so this bill will could increase the amount the City pays on <br />unemployment claims. <br />SB 0995 <br />Relating Clause: Relating to renewable portfolio standards; creating new provisions; and <br />amending ORS 469A.020 and 469A.025. <br />Title: Allows facilities that generate electricity by using biomass or combusting <br />municipal solid waste to comply with renewable portfolio standard under certain <br />conditions. Specifies conditions under which State Department of Energy may <br />certify facilities as eligible for renewable energy certificates. Authorizes full <br />recovery of costs by public utilities in prudent energy investments related to <br />planning, financing, construction and operation of hydrogen power stations. <br />Sponsored By: Sponsored by Senators KRUSE, EDWARDS (Presession filed.) <br />5 | Page <br />
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