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Paving 10 -foot (per front foot) $ 104.00 <br />Parking Bays on Maple Street (each property) $ 550.00 <br />Sidewalk and drive aprons (per square foot) $ 4.30 <br />Total Assessable Cost $ 1,201,560 <br />Total City Cost: w/o Low Income Subsidy: $ 2,089,800 <br />Total Project Cost $ 3,291,360 <br />The decrease in the proposed assessments came from project savings and the Council decision to <br />apply budgeted funds saved by the low bids to the assessable costs of the project. <br />Pursuant to City Code, the City is paying the largest share of the project costs. The city share of <br />the costs includes the cost of the extra width (beyond 10 feet of paving) of the collector street. In <br />addition, the street light improvements, street trees and larger capacity stormwater drainage <br />improvements are paid for by the City because this is a collector street improvement. On this <br />project the existing wastewater pipes needed to be adjusted to avoid conflict with the new <br />stormwater drainage system and this work is funded out of the Wastewater Utility Fund. Only <br />the standard five -foot width of the sidewalk is proposed to be assessed. Some improvements to <br />the bike path connections from the neighborhood to the Roosevelt Path were paid for by the City. <br />The City is also responsible at this time for the cost of the delayed assessment of large lots. Lots <br />that have more than 100 feet of front footage are only assessed for the first 100 feet of frontage. <br />Based on the assumption that these lots may develop more in the future, the assessment of the <br />additional frontage is not done at this time, but is delayed until the time when the property <br />divides or further develops. This helps reduce the pressure for the division of these large lots that <br />would otherwise be increased by the large assessment. <br />Low INCOME SUBSIDY <br />Of the 122 properties in the LID, owners of 48 properties qualify for a subsidy under the low -to- <br />moderate income subsidy program. This City funded subsidy program is available to property <br />owners who occupy a single family dwelling or duplex and meet other program criteria. The <br />income levels for the subsidy program are based on the current Lane County Median Family <br />Income. The total cost for the low income subsidies is $228,722.84. <br />PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT <br />This project was initiated by the Council. Since that initiation, City staff` have had multiple <br />interactions with property owners within the area of the project, including a meeting in January to <br />PROPOSED FINAL ASSESSMENTS FOR ELMIRA ROAD AND MAPLE STREET <br />Page 2 <br />