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Since mailing the Notice of Proposed Assessments, City staff have received no phone calls and no e- <br />mails from property owners regarding the process to final assessment, cost calculations, financing of <br />the costs and details about construction. <br />As of noon, February 2, 2010, no property owners have indicated they will be attending the hearing. <br />No written correspondence has been received. <br />PROJECT. <br />The street improvements consisted of 44 -foot wide paving (two 11 -foot wide travel lanes, a center turn <br />lane with landscaped medians, and two 5 -foot wide bike lanes) with curbs and gutters, concrete walks <br />on both sides of the street, street lights, street trees, wastewater facilities, and storm water drainage <br />system with storm water quality facilities. The project also included a traffic signal at North Game <br />Farm Road. This project improved safety and connectivity for all modes of transportation, provided <br />storm water quality treatment and improved drainage conveyance. <br />Attached is a map showing the limits of the project and the properties to be assessed (see Attachment <br />A). <br />ASSESSMENTS <br />Costs were distributed per Eugene Code 7.175, and outlined in the Council adopted Hearings Official <br />findings and recommendations, and resolution forming the LID <br />Below are the final assessable unit costs: <br />Paving 10 -foot (per front foot) <br />$98.08 <br />Paving 7 -foot (per front foot) <br />$63.09 <br />Sidewalk and drive aprons (per square foot) <br />$5.67 <br />Wastewater (per square foot) ° <br />$0.36 <br />Wastewater service (per each) <br />$2,924.61 <br />Total Final Assessable Cost $ 572,261.80 <br />Total Final City Cost: $ 1 <br />Total Final Project Cost $ 2,505,190.76 <br />These final assessment and project costs reflect a minor reduction from the letters sent out providing <br />notice to the property owners of the assessment due to a reimbursement from EwEB for water valve <br />adjustments. <br />The non - assessable City share for this project will be funded primarily from Transportation SDC's, <br />Storm water SDC's and STP -U funding from the Federal Highway Administration. The <br />