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Transportation SDC portion is $1,715,330.78 and the Storm SDC portion is $203,8$2.17. The STP -U <br />funding from the Federal Highway Administration will reimburse the City funds up to $695,000 of <br />eligible costs. The non - assessable costs that the City pays for include the additional width of paving, <br />intersections, medians, bike lanes, street lights, traffic signal, street trees, and non - assessable storm <br />drainage system costs. <br />Based on the low bid received, the costs listed below were the estimated assessment costs plus <br />contingency calculated at the time of the formation of the LID. <br />Paving 10 -foot (per front foot) <br />$116.11 <br />Paving 7 -foot (per front foot) <br />$81.28 <br />Sidewalk and drive aprons (per square foot) <br />$6.17 <br />Wastewater (per square foot) <br />$0.41 <br />Wastewater service (per each) <br />$3,317.45 <br />Total Estimated Assessable Cost $ � 635 <br />Total Estimated City Cost: w/o Low Income Subsidy: $ 1,83 0,3 75.50 <br />Total Estimated Project Cost $ 2,466 <br />The total project costs increased from the estimated total project costs due to additional road base <br />needed for the project and additional administrative costs associated with the federal funding. <br />ISO &��1MI1 T MU <br />Of the 13 properties in the LID, two owners qualify for a subsidy under the low -to- moderate income <br />subsidy program. This City funded subsidy program is available to property owners who occupy a <br />single family dwelling or duplex and meet other program criteria. The total cost for the low income <br />subsidies is $13;716.01 <br />Assessment costs are calculated in accordance with Eugene Code. Staff recommends approval of the <br />final assessments as calculated, and that the Council levy the final assessment. <br />