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CC Minutes - 02/10/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/10/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room City Hall 777 Pearl Street <br />Eugene, Oregon <br />February 10, 2010 <br />Noon <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Alan Zelenka, Mike Clark, Andrea Ortiz, Jennifer Solomon, Chris Pryor, <br />George Poling, George Brown, Betty Taylor. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the work session of the Eugene City Council to order. She <br />announced that Committee Reports and Items of Interest would occur at the end of the meeting, time <br />permitting, as Mr. Poling would need to leave the meeting early and wished to be present for as much of <br />the downtown projects discussion as possible. She expressed her appreciation to City Manager Jon Ruiz <br />and staff for their responsiveness to the council's direction and providing a holistic approach to public <br />safety and development in downtown. <br />A. WORK SESSION: <br />Downtown Projects — Tools <br />Mr. Ruiz stated that the suggested motion provided to the council had been revised to incorporate issues <br />raised by Mr. Zelenka relating to purchasing cameras and providing an analysis of general obligation <br />bonds and a local option levy. He used a slide presentation to provide an overview of strategies to foster a <br />vibrant downtown and boost the local economy. He noted that parking would be discussed in a separate <br />work session. He summarized the projects and funding mechanisms reflected in the suggested motion. <br />Mr. Ruiz explained that the funding proposal would not affect the City's base allocation to the Human <br />Services Commission (HSQ and would include an additional $500,000 allocation for downtown safety <br />net services. He emphasized that use of urban renewal funds would be limited to safety, the Lane <br />Community College (LCC) project, the Farmers' Market and Veterans' Affairs clinic. The Urban <br />Renewal Agency Board would approve each project, expenditures would be reviewed annually by a <br />community panel and the urban renewal district would end after projects were completed. He reviewed <br />the future work sessions scheduled to address specific strategies and projects and stressed that the <br />council's action on the suggested motion would direct staff to prepare materials for a future work session <br />on the urban renewal district; it would not initiate action on the district. <br />Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to direct the City Manager to: <br />1. Regarding the Downtown Safety Initiative: <br />a. Use $100,000 of one -time existing urban renewal dollars to purchase and <br />install additional lighting downtown and $100,000 of one -time dollars <br />(half from telecomm and half from existing urban renewal) to purchase <br />automated behavior crime reporting software and cameras, but only after <br />the council approves the manager's plan for number, location, use and on- <br />going costs of the cameras, after considering the cameras' expected effec- <br />tiveness in deterring crime; <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council February 10, 2010 Page 1 <br />Work Session <br />
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