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CC Minutes - 02/10/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/10/10 Work Session
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6/14/2010 10:58:00 AM
City Council Minutes
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b. Pursue use of Springfield jail beds in exchange for Springfield's use of <br />Eugene's Fire Training Center; <br />c. Include in the manager's proposed FYI I budget $500,000 of one --time <br />dollars for the Human Services Commission, and re- purpose $500,000 of <br />the City's HSC contribution for partial funding of the downtown safety <br />initiative, including additional services like Cahoots; <br />d. Present to the Urban Renewal Agency Board for its review a proposed <br />amendment to the downtown urban renewal plan that would 1) restrict the <br />use of tax increment funds and increase the spending limit to pay for (i) <br />the Broadway Place Garage debt, thereby freeing up funds for additional <br />police officers downtown, and (ii) three other projects specified in this <br />motion below, and 2) terminate the downtown urban renewal district as <br />soon as the projects are paid for or sufficient funds are collected to fund <br />those projects; <br />e. Bring back to the council this spring a proposed ordinance requiring va- <br />cant properties to pay Downtown Service District fees; and <br />f, work with Downtown Eugene, Inc. and the Chamber of Commerce on <br />partnerships and other funding strategies with a goal of achieving <br />$350,000 in revenue. <br />2. Include for the proposed downtown Lane Community College development at <br />10"' and Charnelton $8 million as part of a proposed urban renewal plan <br />amendment. <br />3. Include as part of a proposed urban plan amendment an additional $500,000 <br />for improvements to the Park Blocks to enhance that area for the Farmer's <br />Market. <br />4. If the VA pursues PeaceHealth's Willamette Street site for a new VA Clinic, <br />include the VA Clinic as part of a proposed urban renewal plan amendment. <br />5. Pursue additional grant opportunities for steam conversion and electric ve- <br />hicle charging stations. <br />6. Present to the council, at the same time that the manager brings forward a <br />draft amendment to the urban renewal plan, an analysis of both a local option <br />levy and a general obligations bond, instead of tax increment financing, to <br />fund the specified projects. <br />Ms. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Brown, moved to make Items La through 1.f sepa- <br />rate motions. The vote on the motion to separate was a 4:4 tie; councilors Taylor, <br />Brown, Ortiz and Zelenka voting yes, and councilors Solomon, Poling, Pryor and <br />Clark voting no. Ms. Piercy cast a vote in favor of the motion and it passed on a <br />final vote of 5:4. <br />Tfi-m 1 n <br />Ms. Taylor indicated she would support the motion with postponement of the camera acquisition. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council February 10, 2010 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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