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cumbersome tool for gaining compliance, Ordinance No. 20233 provided the fire department with an <br />additional option of using municipal fines when appropriate. For this reason, EC 3.110(1) and EC <br />3.115, as those sections apply to false fire alarms, are an effective tool in maintaining a more timely and <br />efficient process for obtaining needed system repairs, and mitigating the occurrence of chronic false fire <br />alarms. <br /> <br />Because Eugene has been granted "exempt" jurisdiction status by the Oregon State Fire Marshal's <br />Office, the City enjoys the ability to amend provisions of the adopted Uniform Fire Code (UFC), in <br />order to provide more specific regulatory requirements for the local area. Through a 1998 amendment <br />to the UFC, all fire alarm system service contractors are required to provide all service reports to the <br />Fire Marshal's Office on an ongoing basis. The Fire Marshal's Fire Protection and Detection System <br />Program, tracks all required service dates and the repair status of 2,550 total systems in Eugene, of <br />which 541 are fire alarm systems. In addition, all pertinent information detailing new fire alarm systems <br />in the city is thoroughly documented by the Fire Marshal's Office through the normal Fire andLife <br />Safety plan review process. <br /> <br />Timing <br />There are no timing issues. <br /> <br />OPTIONS <br />The council has several options: <br />1. Approve the changes to amend the alarm system ordinance, eliminating registration for fire and <br /> burglary alarms and eliminating fees for false burglary alarms; <br />2. Decline to approve the changes and direct the city manager to implement the existing alarm <br /> ordinance; or <br />3. Create a substitute provision for regulation of alarm systems. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends proceeding with the scheduled July 26, 2004, action on this item with approval of the <br />proposed amendments to the Eugene Code and the repeal of Section 3.100 of that code. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br />No motion is required as this is a public hearing. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A. False Alarm Ordinance <br />B. April 8, 2004, Memorandum to City Manager <br /> <br />FOR MORE INFORMATION <br />Staff Contact: Linda Phelps (Police) or Matt Shuler (Fire) <br />Telephone: 541-682-6308 or 541-682-7111 <br />Staff E-Mail: or, <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040712\S0407124.DOC <br /> <br /> <br />