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Item 5 - Metro Plan/Land Swap
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2004
Item 5 - Metro Plan/Land Swap
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:47:42 PM
Creation date
7/8/2004 10:54:51 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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It should be noted that not only does the Santa Clara area not have a community park, there are no <br />metropolitan parks or natural area parks serving River Road/Santa Clara residents (Attachment D). <br /> <br />Project Complexi~. <br />The acquisition of a community park for Santa Clara has always been complex. However, significant <br />public benefits are to be gained, and thus, it has been assumed that the complexity was worth the effort. <br />The significant difference in the level of complexity perceived by the council has been the development <br />of legal agreements to outline the next steps, which include public involvement, design, permitting, <br />planning, and acquisition. While the components of the agreement are typical of parkland acquisition, <br />the size of this parcel and its location outside of the UGB contributes to a need for more detailed and <br />specific written agreements. These agreements are in place to protect the City of Eugene and taxpayers <br />as well as the private property owners, and to provide clarity as the project moves forward. <br /> <br />Planning and Design Process: Next Steps <br />If a Metro Plan Amendment is initiated, there are two critical next steps. One will be to begin the public <br />involvement process aimed at developing a good conceptual plan for the 197-acre parcel, including the <br />park and the surrounding neighborhood. On a parallel process, findings will be developed as part of the <br />Metro Plan Amendment application. This work will require the applicants to thoroughly address the <br />issues of agricultural values, transportation, natural resources, and parks and recreation needs. <br />Numerous public involvement opportunities will be provided. In addition to design workshops to <br />develop the site plan, a minimum of two public hearings will be held to provide input on the Metro Plan <br />Amendment findings. These correlate to the joint planning commission hearings (City of Eugene <br />Planning Commission, Lane County Planning Commission) and the joint elected official board hearings <br />(City Council, Lane County Board of Commissioners). While staff desired public meetings prior to the <br />request to the council to initiate the Metro Plan Amendment, it was determined that meaningful public <br />involvement should occur within the context of a site planning phase. In this way, staff will be able to <br />communicate more effectively with the public, respond to issues such as transportation and <br />neighborhood impacts, and to illustrate the parks and recreation uses proposed. Public information <br />about the project has been ongoing with stakeholders, including Santa Clara and Laurel Hill Valley <br />neighbors. <br /> <br />Timing <br />The property owners, staff, and private consultants are prepared to begin immediately to develop <br />necessary findings and conduct public involvement efforts related to the Metro Plan Amendment and <br />land acquisition process. Staff s first effort will be to have the necessary materials to present to a joint <br />meeting of the Lane County Planning Commission and the City of Eugene Planning Commission later <br />this year. <br /> <br />OPTIONS <br />The council has the option to approve the request and initiate a metro plan amendment or direct staff to <br />initiate an eminent domain process for some portion of the 197-acre Santa Clara property. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends approval of the request and initiation of a Metro Plan Amendment. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040712\S0407125.DOC <br /> <br /> <br />
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