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Item B - PROS Bond Measure
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2004
Item B - PROS Bond Measure
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7/9/2004 8:22:38 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> <br /> Work Session: Parks, Recreation and Open Space Bond Measure Discussion <br /> <br />Meeting Date: July 14, 2004 Agenda Item Number: B <br />Department: Public Works Staff Contact: Andrea G. Riner <br />www. cl. eugene, or. us Contact Telephone Number: 682-4909 <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />This work session is to discuss issues related to a possible bond measure for Parks, Recreation and Open <br />Space (PROS). The purpose of this discussion is to determine whether a bond measure should follow <br />the completion of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan or be presented to voters <br />before the plan is completed for the November 2004 election. A citizen committee appointed by the <br />Mayor has been working with staff on the PROS Comprehensive Plan since August 2002, and is <br />projected to complete the plan in early 2005. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />A Parks and Open Space bond measure was approved by voters in 1998 for $25.3 million which <br />included new park development and acquisition of open space as well as renovations of recreation <br />facilities such as Amazon Pool. Funds from this bond are anticipated to be exhausted by FY 2006. <br />Many successful projects have been completed with this funding, including the youth sports parks, <br />neighborhood park acquisition and development, athletic field upgrades and acquisition of ridgeline <br />open space. Some of these projects will complete their construction phase over the next two years. For <br />additional information about the status of 1998 bond measure projects, please refer to the May 13, 2004, <br />Periodic Report to Council available on the City's Parks and Open Space website. <br /> <br />In 2002, a Mayor's Committee was appointed to begin work on a new Parks, Recreation, and Open <br />Space (PROS) Comprehensive Plan. This citizen committee is chaired by Councilor Nancy Nathanson <br />and has been working closely with staff and consultants to conduct research and solicit public input over <br />the last 18 months. The committee and staff are currently drafting the plan and expect completion in <br />early 2005. The plan will provide a thorough examination of the City's needs for new assets, renovation <br />of existing infrastructure, and a focus for acquisition of natural areas and open space. The plan will also <br />provide direction for recreation programs and services, and will provide strategies for operations and <br />maintenance of parks, recreation and open space facilities. A Draft Capital Improvement Plan and an <br />accompanying maintenance and operations plan will be developed this fall. <br /> <br />Council Action History <br />On November 17, 2003, staff presented the Multi-Year Financial Plan (MYFP) to the Budget <br />Committee. This plan identified both the capital and operating needs for the entire organization over a <br />six-year period. Parks, recreation and open space needs were included in the MYFP. On November 19, <br />2003, the council held a work session on sequencing of financial measures to be presented to the voters. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040714\S040714B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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