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Item B - PROS Bond Measure
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2004
Item B - PROS Bond Measure
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6/9/2010 1:11:33 PM
Creation date
7/9/2004 8:22:38 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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The staff materials for that work session indicated that a bond measure for a parks and recreation <br />projects would be presented to voters in November 2006. <br /> <br />Policy Issues <br />Should the City wait until 2006 to prepare a bond measure, after completion of the Parks, Recreation, <br />and Open Space Comprehensive Plan, or send a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Bond Measure to <br />the voters in 2004? <br /> <br />Council Goal Action Priority <br />This project relates to a number of council goals, including sustainable community development, healthy <br />natural and built environment, accessible and thriving cultural and recreational opportunities, and fair, <br />stable and adequate financial resources. <br /> <br />Financial and/or Resource Considerations <br />A PROS Bond would provide funding for development or acquisition of new assets and renovation of <br />existing infrastructure. However, these new assets would likely increase maintenance and operation <br />needs. Current and potential future gaps in maintenance and operation funding need to be addressed, <br />and are a subject of future work products with the PROS Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, any new <br />bond would have an impact on the City's debt capacity. If the council decides to proceed with <br />consideration of a 2004 bond, staff will work to develop several funding options. <br /> <br />Other Background Information <br />The PROS Comprehensive Plan process has included extensive public outreach and involvement over <br />the last 18 months. Staff, consultants, and members of the Mayor's PROS Committee have synthesized <br />this information into common trends and issues. Completed Comprehensive Plan work products, <br />including the newly drafted Parks and Open Space Analysis Report, are available on the City's Parks <br />and Open Space website. <br /> <br />Timing <br />On July 14, the council will discuss the possibility of placing a bond measure on the November ballot <br />for parks, recreation and open spaces. Continued discussion of a November ballot measure will occur <br />on July 21. If a financing plan is adopted that requires a bond measure, the council will need to take <br />final action on a resolution by August 9, 2004, to place a measure on the November 2004 ballot. The <br />council agenda includes a meeting on July 26 for this purpose. <br /> <br />OPTIONS <br />The council has the option to support the completion of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space <br />Comprehensive Plan and preparation of a prioritized list of funding needs for 2006; or, to direct the City <br />Manager to prepare a list of possible items for a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space General Obligation <br />Bond to be presented to the voters in 2004. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends the completion of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Comprehensive Plan and <br />preparation of a prioritized list of funding needs for 2006. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040714\S040714B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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