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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />Work Session and Meeting of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency <br />McNutt Room — City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon <br />January 25, 2010 <br />5:30 p.m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Chris Pryor, Mike Clark, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, Alan Zelenka, <br />Betty Taylor, George Poling, Jennifer Solomon <br />Mayor Piercy called the work session meeting of the Eugene City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />A. WORK SESSION — Committee Reports and Items of Interest from Mayor, City Council <br />and City Manager <br />Ms. Piercy thanked the members of the Human Rights Commission and the NAACP for their recent <br />participation in a series of events in recognition of t Martin Luther King Jr. Day. She noted she had met <br />with representatives of the Asian community to listen to their concerns regarding a recent tasering <br />incident. <br />Ms. Piercy reported she had spoken with a group of students from Lane Community College to discuss <br />the importance of voting. She noted she had attended the recent Fire/EMS awards event. <br />Ms. Piercy noted she had recently been appointed to the Oregon Commission for Child Care and had <br />attended her first meeting as a member of that group. She commented that the recent walking and biking <br />tour before the council's goal setting meeting had been excellent. <br />Ms. Piercy noted that the Green Home show had taken place in Eugene during the previous week and had <br />been quite well attended. She stated that Police Auditor Mark Gissiner had distributed a report to both <br />her and the council members and was expected to provide supplemental presentation to that report on <br />February 8. <br />Ms. Piercy noted that a member of the City's Civilian Review Board, Snell Fontus, was currently involved <br />in ongoing humanitarian earthquake relief efforts in Haiti and suggested that the council might draft a <br />letter thanking Mr. Fontus for those efforts. She took note of Police Chief Pete Kerns' recent report of a <br />bias crime in the Bethel area. <br />Mr. Zelenka arrived to the meeting at 5:32 p.m. <br />Ms. Taylor commented on her and Mr. Clark's recent meeting with Mr. Gissiner and Assistant Auditor <br />Dawn Reynolds and looked forward to Mr. Gissiner's presentation to the council on February 8. <br />Ms. Taylor reported that she, Ms. Solomon and Mr. Poling had recently met with the street assessment <br />committee. She further reported that the meeting had included Public Works Engineering staff members <br />Mark Schoening and Fred McVay and believed that the meeting to discuss issues such as third <br />assessments and the travel shed had been very productive. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council January 25, 2010 Page I <br />Work Session <br />