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CC Minutes - 01/25/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/25/10 Work Session
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7/29/2010 9:27:30 AM
City Council Minutes
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Mr. Taylor noted she had attended a meeting of the downtown parking subcommittee earlier that day. <br />She noted that although no significant agreements had been made during the meeting she appreciated the <br />level of discussion and the nature of the ideas that had been presented. <br />Ms. Ortiz commented on a number of events she had attended during the previous week including a <br />meeting at the Bethel School District. <br />Ms. Ortiz commented on recent developments at the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA) <br />and noted that she had asked that group to investigate certain team building strategies that the Eugene <br />City Council had used with Bob Chadwick. <br />Ms. Ortiz noted that the culinary students at the Serbu Youth Center would be having an open house <br />event on Thursday, January 28, in order to promote their catering services. <br />Mr. Pryor reported he had attended the recent annual dinners of the Eugene and Springfield Chambers of <br />Commerce. He was pleased to see the emphasis on partnership and cooperation that had been <br />demonstrated at those events. <br />Mr. Pryor commented on the recent council goal - setting meetings and believed that significant progress <br />had been made to identify many of the strategic and priority issues to be folded into the City's budget <br />processes. <br />Mr. Pryor noted the City Housing Policy Board's allocations committee had met earlier that day to discuss <br />the granting process for the current year and that a site north of the old Westmoreland School near City <br />View and 18th Avenue had been identified as the next area for development. <br />Mr. Pryor commented on the downtown parking subcommittee's meeting earlier that day and noted that a <br />certain small amount of incremental progress had been made. <br />Mr. Pryor noted he would be attending the Mayor's next community one -on -one event at the Albertson's <br />on Chambers Street on January 26 at 5:00 p.m. <br />Mr. Zelenka noted the significant turnout at the recent Martin Luther King Day celebration events. He <br />believed that the council's recent goal- setting session had indeed been productive. <br />Ms. Solomon noted she had attended the Human Services Commission's (HSC) recent meeting and noted <br />that the HSC had modified certain aspects of its budget processes based on its recent community outreach <br />efforts. She hoped to have further information on the matter after the next HSC meeting. <br />Ms. Solomon believed that the recent street assessment committee meeting she had attended had been <br />highly productive. <br />Ms. Solomon noted that the Public Safety Coordinating Council had recently released a report card which <br />had indicated several areas where public safety efforts could be improved in the community. She <br />reported she had recently met with representatives from the Buford Park Mt. Pisgah Project and noted that <br />it had been highly informative. <br />Mr. Poling commented on the students from schools in the Eugene and Springfield communities who had <br />been recognized for their achievements at the recent Chamber of Commerce dinners. He noted he had <br />received an email from a constituent about traffic and pedestrian problems on Crescent Avenue and asked <br />Assistant City Manager Sarah Medary to investigate the matter. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council January 25, 2010 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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