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CC Minutes - 01/25/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/25/10 Work Session
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7/29/2010 9:27:30 AM
City Council Minutes
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Mr. Poling congratulated those who had recently been promoted in the Fire/EMS department and those <br />who had also received the department's civilian awards. He stated that Lane Council of Government's <br />(LCOG) annual awards dinner was scheduled for Thursday, January 28, and that Mr. Pryor would be <br />serving as master of ceremonies for the event. <br />Mr. Brown noted his participation in the recent Martin Luther King Day events. He said he had attended <br />the recent Human Rights Commission meeting and had been pleased to learn more there regarding the <br />Police Auditor's office. <br />Mr. Brown reported he had recently spoken at a town hall meeting of the local Citizens for Public <br />Accountability group at the WOW hall. <br />Mr. Clark noted his attendance at the Police Commission meeting on January 14. He noted the meeting <br />had involved a very productive discussion on police taser policies and a report from Municipal Court <br />Judge Wayne Allen. He noted that Judge Allen had made comments regarding the number of jail beds <br />currently available and had also advocated for increased crisis intervention training (CIT) strategies with <br />respect to current Eugene Police Department (EPD) taser training practices. <br />Mr. Clark noted his participation in the recent Martin Luther King Day events. He congratulated local <br />business owner John Shepherd on his receipt of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce "First Citizen" award <br />in recognition of his work with the Relief Nursery and other local social service agencies. <br />Mr. Clark noted he had also attended the recent Eugene Fire/EMS awards event and had been particularly <br />impressed with the private business partners that the Fire/EMS department used to lower the costs to the <br />taxpayers of the community. He reported he had presented the opening remarks for the recent City boards <br />and commission training sessions. <br />Mr. Clark commented on the recent meeting of the Downtown Parking Subcommittee he had attended <br />and thanked Planning Director Susan Muir for her efforts to help that group develop a set of data to help <br />the council adopt parking strategies for the benefit of the downtown area. <br />Mr. Clark reported that the next meeting of the Cal Young Neighborhood Association had been scheduled <br />for Thursday, January 28, at 7 p.m. at the Sheldon Community Center. <br />Ms. Medary thanked the staff of the Eugene Airport and noted that they had been extremely helpful to her <br />in her recent travels. She commented on the recent council goal- setting session and reminded those <br />present that the session had been televised and was available for public review through the City of <br />Eugene's website. <br />Ms. Ortiz stated she had not received any responses from City staff to her inquiries on current taser <br />policies. She believed that the Police Commission members had felt pressured by the council to complete <br />their reviews and recommendations on the City's taser policies and further recommended that the <br />commission be allowed to work at its own pace regarding the matter. <br />Ms. Ortiz also commented on Dr. Fontus' recent participation in Haitian earthquake relief efforts and <br />suggested that in -lieu of other forms of support the City might choose to make a donation to the Red <br />Cross. <br />MINUTES Eugene City Council January 25, 2010 Page 3 <br />Work Session <br />
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