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CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Meeting
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Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />Council Chamber — Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street — Eugene, Oregon <br />December 13, 2010 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Alan Zelenka, Mike Clark, Betty Taylor, Jennifer Solomon, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, <br />Chris Pryor, George Brown, members. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the December 13, 2010, regular meeting of the Eugene City Council <br />to order. <br />1. PUBLIC FORUM <br />Mayor Piercy reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br />Pauline Hutson, 1025 Taylor Street, Residents for Responsible Rapid Transit (3RT), said Lane Transit <br />District (LTD) did not like the 6` /7"' Avenue option for the West Eugene EmX extension because it <br />created three routes on one bus rapid transit lane, which was precluded by Federal Transit Administration <br />guidelines. She suggested LTD could adopt the 6` /7` option and install a transfer station at Garfield and <br />Chambers streets and avoid sending the future River Road and Highway 99 EmX extensions down 6th <br />Avenue to downtown. Ms. Hutson said a statement was made at the recent meeting of the Joint Locally <br />Preferred Alternatives Committee that feeder routes would only be provided once the Highway 99 /River <br />Road corridor west of Highway 99 was constructed. That made no sense as the routes would not be built <br />in 15 -20 years. She said the areas that would be served were among the fastest growing in Eugene, and <br />feeder routes would be crucial to the success of LTD service in that part of town. <br />Ms. Hutson suggested that LTD Director of Service Planning, Accessibility, and Marketing Andy <br />Vobora's remarks to the council regarding LTD's contacts with businesses did not "tell the full story" <br />because Mr. Vobora did not mention that there were business owners on Franklin Boulevard who, in spite <br />of promises, were not adequately compensated for their losses. She recommended that the council read an <br />article about the issue by Paul Nicholson in the November 24 issue of the Eugene Weekly. <br />Josef Siekiel- Zdzienieki, 1025 Taylor Street, believed the EmX route selection process had grown <br />increasingly complex and lacked a needed link to the Envision Eugene process, through which changes to <br />the urban growth boundary might occur. He said the two issues needed to be worked on together. The <br />Community Resource Group (CRG) included some representation from West Eugene businesses but he <br />did not think that representation was sufficient. The CRG needed more representation from small <br />business owners. Mr. Siekiel - Zdzienicki said a land use plan must involve those who would be affected. <br />He urged the council to slow the route selection process to coordinate it with Envision Eugene. <br />Mark Robinowitz, PO Box 51222, Eugene, discussed a "low build" approach to the Beltline widening <br />project as a means to lower costs and to recognize decreased traffic volumes. He suggested the City's <br />transportation planning did not take into consideration that Alaska would have no more oil by 2031. He <br />acknowledged there was a safety issue on Beltline but believed it could be addressed at a relatively low <br />cost by redesigning the ramps at the Delta and Beltline interchange. Speaking to the proposed EmX route, <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council December 13, 2010 Page 1 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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