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CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 12/13/10 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Mr. Robinowitz believed that the community needed better transit but also believed opponents to the <br />proposal were correct about many of the flaws in the design. He suggested that LTD could do more to <br />gain control over design conditions by precluding the construction of big box stores that were hard to <br />serve with transit. He supported an EmX route on Highway 99 and suggested that LTD should discuss <br />restoring recent service cuts. <br />Dennis Konrady, 855 Meadow Butte Loop, noted his submission of an application to name a park after <br />Suzanne Arlie. He said Ms. Arlie was an extraordinary woman, and went on to discuss Ms. Arlie's <br />community work and her establishment of the Golden Ribbon Foundation to provide support to women <br />battling ovarian cancer. <br />Mike Grudzien, 921 Waverly Drive, spoke in support of naming a new park in favor of Suzanne Arlie <br />because of her positive community contributions and assistance to local nonprofit human service <br />providers. <br />Dennis Abear, 850 East 38 Avenue, "Save Civic Stadium," thanked the City for the grant funding that <br />allowed his organization to do a feasibility study for Civic Stadium. He applauded the council for <br />considering acquiring the property proposed to be named after Suzanne Arlie and suggested the action <br />presented the community with another opportunity to consider acquiring Civic Stadium. Many of the <br />people he spoke to wanted to see the stadium saved. He suggested the City could collaborate with Eugene <br />School District 4J to save the stadium. <br />Theresa Bishow, 3220 High Street, spoke in support of naming a park after Suzanne Arlie and said the <br />City's naming guidelines permitted such an action. She thanked the council for allowing for public input <br />opportunity and said she was moved by the stories of Ms. Arlie's community contributions. She <br />acknowledged some were critical of the proposed acquisition but pointed out that the proposal had support <br />from the Arlie & Company's banks, creditors, and a federal judge, allowing the company to fulfill a <br />pledge to the City that had been made in better economic conditions. <br />Eugene Drix, 307 -1/2 East 14 Avenue, expressed his pride in the City, the community, the University of <br />Oregon, and Eugene residents. He spoke to the format of the forum and reminded people that the council <br />often answered comments offered in the forum. He encouraged people to pick up litter and suggested it <br />counted as volunteering and contributed to a more beautiful city. He said there were many issues and <br />many beautiful answers that came out of the community. He encouraged other residents to contribute to <br />the forum. <br />Erin Ellis, 901 South 32 Place, Springfield, said she was told by LTD that the difference in operating <br />costs for the EmX and existing service would be more than $1 million. She said the community did not <br />have that money. Ms. Ellis said she had posed questions to LTD about its projected operating costs for <br />the system as LTD staff's statements appeared to contrast with summary tables provided to the public. <br />She was still awaiting an answer. Ms. Ellis said the operating costs for 2015 would be substantially more <br />than $1 million annually, and LTD still did not know where the money would come from. She was very <br />disappointed to learn that transportation system management (TSM) was not an option, although it was <br />presented as one. She believed that was deceitful. <br />Carlis Nixon, 1556 Wilson Court, said she was pro- transit but anti -EmX, the result of riding the EmX and <br />finding it only had five more seats than a regular bus. She said there was now a question of whether TSM <br />was an actual option. LTD staff was saying it was not an option but was included for comparative <br />purposes as there was no funding. She suggested there was no funding because none had been applied for. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council December 13, 2010 Page 2 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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