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Ms. Nixon believed that raised questions about the other information provided by LTD. She recalled that <br />an LTD consultant had recently indicated to an advisory committee that TSM had reduced stops, which <br />had been a significant issue when comparing travel times. Up until now, LTD had always stated that TSM <br />did not have reduced stops and was slower by only three minutes. LTD staff had not seemed to know if <br />that was true or not. <br />Kim Sawyer, 2170 Greenview Street, owner of a business on West 11` Avenue, recalled that in October, <br />a representative of the "Envision Utah" had presented at the Hilton Hotel on that effort. He said that <br />individual made it clear that process had included many options, an educational process, and a public vote. <br />Many elements had been involved. He said one of his employees had lived in Utah at the time and <br />confirmed and commended the process. Mr. Sawyer believed Eugene's effort paled in comparison in <br />terms of representation. He said the presentation made him think about legacy projects. Mr. Sawyer <br />asked the council to have the courage to come up with a legacy in the form of an all- encompassing plan all <br />residents could live with that included land use, water use, public and private transportation, urban <br />growth, the schools, and amenities such as Civic Stadium. <br />Tom Halferty, 4510 Manzanita Street, supported naming a park for Suzanne Arlie. He suggested the <br />remainder of the parks bond moneys should be spread out around the whole community and not <br />concentrated in a single area such as south Eugene. He said the City should consider where growth could <br />happen and what was integral to the community right now. Mr. Halferty considered Civic Stadium to be a <br />worthwhile project. He suggested the City could purchase the land and recover its costs with compatible <br />development on the half not occupied by the stadium. He suggested an independent entity could manage <br />the facility to avoid additional public costs. <br />Eileen Loritsch, no address given, supported a better transit system in Eugene but did not think that EmX <br />represented an improvement. She said it did not make sense that LTD would buy buses that run on diesel <br />instead of alternative fuels. The EmX buses did not get good gas mileage. She suggested that LTD look <br />into the smaller buses used in other communities. Ms. Loritsch questioned a decision to run EmX down <br />West 11` Avenue as it lacked the residential density that existed in other areas. She believed that reduced <br />stops would benefit some but not many people. She questioned why LTD was sticking to a plan with so <br />many flaws rather than seeking more sustainable and convenient solutions. <br />Dennis Cassady, PO Box 5028, Eugene, opposed the purchase of the property owned by Arlie & <br />Company. He had not known the City would threaten the use of eminent domain to acquire the Green and <br />Beverly properties when he had voted for the bond measure. He said the City was losing credibility <br />through its actions. He averred that if the City purchased the Arlie property, it would be taking away <br />money from the schools. <br />Irving Weiner, 88500 Greenhill Road, suggested the council step back from the EmX proposal and let <br />everyone provide input so that any plan that resulted was everyone's plan. He thought there were ways <br />the proposal for a West Eugene EmX route could be made better. He asked the council not to rush to a <br />decision. <br />Wendy Butler - Boyeson, 1265 City View Street, expressed support for the proposed West Eugene EmX <br />route. She described how she used the EmX system as a kindergarten teacher. She believed the area <br />adjacent to West 11` Avenue had sufficient residential density to support the EmX route. She had <br />recently used the 41 bus to reach downtown and it had been standing room only. She concluded that "the <br />ridership was definitely there." Ms. Butler - Boyeson spoke of LTD's mitigation efforts, which she <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council December 13, 2010 Page 3 <br />Regular Meeting <br />