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CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Clark said he had also attended a recent Ems baseball game as an official witness for a Guinness Book <br />of World Records' attempt for the most people participating in a Moonwalk. He commended City <br />Manager Jon Ruiz for his participation in the event. <br />Mr. Clark reported that he and Mr. Poling as well as City Manager Ruiz attended the July 23 City Club <br />meeting to hear a report from Jean Tate and David Frohnmayer of the ad hoc group Citizen Advocates for <br />Public Safety (CAPS) regarding their findings on regional public safety issues and challenges. <br />Ms. Ortiz said that the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency ( LRAPA) had changed its meeting date to <br />the fourth Monday of each month. She had encouraged members of the board of directors to build <br />relations and anticipated the LRAPA board and staff would hold a potluck as one way to accomplish that. <br />She said the board had issued a Request for Proposals for a consultant to work with the board on internal <br />community building. <br />Ms. Ortiz reported that she participated in the free medical clinic held July 24 -25 sponsored by United <br />Way and the Cascade Medical Team that took place at the Monaco RV Health Clinic Building. The clinic <br />was held for those who lacked medical care. Many people received dental care at the event and were <br />provided with referrals for additional service. Ms. Ortiz thanked the Cascade Medical Team for its work <br />at the event. <br />Mr. Zelenka arrived. <br />Ms. Ortiz noted that the organization "Volunteers in Medicine" had moved to Springfield and were no <br />longer located on West l Itn Avenue in Eugene. <br />Ms. Ortiz reported that she attended the recent Envision Eugene workshop at St. Catherine's Hall and the <br />consensus shown by participants made her feel hopeful about the possibility the outcome of the process <br />would have broad community support. <br />Mr. Pryor said he represented the City as both a member of the Housing Policy Board and the City <br />Council at a recent meeting with representatives of the State about the State's implementation of a new <br />process to fund low- income housing projects. He said that meeting participants discussed the Willakenzie <br />low- income housing project and the State representatives were positive about the project. <br />Mr. Brown reported he attended the most recent meeting of the Human Rights Commission. He had also <br />attended a presentation by Alexander Cousteau at the Eugene Public Library, which was very well - <br />attended. He said Ms. Cousteau's organization helped small communities around the world to secure their <br />water sources, as well as funding for water purification. <br />Mr. Brown had also attended the City Club meeting mentioned by Mr. Clark and said while he had not <br />learned much new information at the presentation he was looking forward to CAPS' final report. <br />Mr. Poling said he planned to attend the local kickoff for the "National Night Out" event being held on <br />July 27. <br />Mr. Poling noted that the council had received copies of a letter being sent to residents living adjacent to <br />pavement preservation projects advising them to park somewhere other than the street during the duration <br />of the project and suggested to the City Manager that he arrange for extra patrols to ensure the safety of <br />vehicles and add to residents' sense of comfort. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 26, 2010 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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