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CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Poling expressed appreciation to the City Manager for the staff response to his inquiries about the <br />Glory Bee project, adding he was glad to hear the project was moving forward. <br />Mr. Poling noted recent letters -to- the - editor as well as comments he heard about the increased noise levels <br />at PK Park during Ems games and asked the Manager what the City could do to work with the Ems <br />organization and University of Oregon to mitigate the noise levels. City Manager Ruiz said he would <br />follow up. <br />Ms. Solomon said she would also attend the Sponsors, Inc. facility dedication, as well as the National <br />Night Out event scheduled in her ward at Candlelight Park. <br />Ms. Taylor said she recently returned from a meeting of the Human Development Committee of the <br />National League of Cities, which was working on the National Workforce Reinvestment Act and also <br />discussed dental care. She reported that other committee members had been impressed when she shared <br />what Eugene was doing in regard to training people for the jobs of the future. She said the committee <br />toured a facility in Hampton, Virginia, that was a one -stop shopping center for employment and also <br />provided college classes that could lead to a PhD. <br />Ms. Taylor reported that she heard from many constituents in favor of naming the new Willamette River /I- <br />5 Bridge the "Whilamut Passage Bridge." She had also heard several complaints and fears expressed <br />about any relaxation of the City rules governing the keeping of chickens. One constituent shared that her <br />neighbor had rushed out to buy more chickens before the council suspended enforcement, and had further <br />pointed out that chicken food could attract mice and chicken manure attracted flies. Others had objected <br />to the noise from chickens. <br />Ms. Taylor also reported that her constituents were concerned that Amazon Pool closed at 5 p.m. during <br />the week when it was most hot and that the pool was closed on weekends. While they were aware they <br />could go to other pools, south Eugene residents had voted to install the pool and paid taxes to support it <br />and were very unhappy. <br />Ms. Solomon noted that a Washington State community planned to hold a tour of chicken coops in an <br />urban environment. <br />Mr. Zelenka said he had attended a symphony in the park and commended the event, which had sold out in <br />hours. He had also attended the most recent meeting of the Sustainability Commission, which reviewed <br />its work program in preparation for discussion with the council. <br />Mr. Zelenka reported that he also heard constituent complaints about the noise created by chickens. <br />City Manager Ruiz noted that the council would discuss the subject of chickens and goats on September 8. <br />City Manager Ruiz reported that the community's use of the Library continued to be high. The Eugene <br />Police Department was conducting two sessions of safety camps for kids. He further reported that <br />Mobility International USA was bringing 30 women to Eugene from around the world to participate in its <br />Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD) and they would be supported by the City's <br />Adaptive Recreation staff at the Hilyard Center. <br />City Manager Ruiz concluded by reporting that he had visited the Fleet crew recently and thanked the <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 26, 2010 Page 3 <br />Work Session <br />
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