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CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/26/10 Work Session
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2/28/2011 2:34:00 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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crew for its hard work. He invited interested councilors to contact him if they wished to tour the Fleet <br />Shop. <br />Ms. Ortiz noted the passing of former Lane County Commissioner Chuck Ivey. <br />B. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute 192.660(2)(i) <br />The council entered into executive session in accordance with Oregon Revised Statute 192.660(2)(1). <br />Mayor Piercy adjourned the executive session and convened the council in regular session. <br />C. WORK SESSION: City Manager Annual Performance Review <br />City Manager Ruiz said the City had a good year in 2009. The organization had succeeded in correcting <br />some long- standing structural imbalances, had stabilized its core funding, and was now living within its <br />means while continuing to invest in the future. City Manager Ruiz noted the many good discussions the <br />Budget Committee and council had in regard to the latter topic, particularly in areas such as downtown <br />public safety and climate and energy planning. <br />City Manager Ruiz thanked the City's executive team and acknowledged that it was a relatively young <br />team but he believed it was doing outstanding work individually and collectively. He also commended the <br />work of the organization's division Managers, a talented group charged with carrying out the policies <br />developed by the executive team. City Manager Ruiz also commended the many employees throughout <br />the organization who stepped up to the City's financial challenges and sought new and innovative ways to <br />balance the budget. <br />City Manager Ruiz deferred councilors to his self - evaluation, included in the materials provided to the <br />council. <br />City Manager Ruiz thanked the council for its hard work during the previous year and said it provided <br />good guidance to him and the staff, and that was appreciated. He thought the organization was moving the <br />community in the ways the council wanted. <br />Mayor Piercy thanked the Manager for his leadership of City staff and his work with and for the council. <br />She thought he had been very successful in the past year. Mayor Piercy appreciated that City Manager <br />Ruiz had set his own goals as Manager. She also appreciated that he had worked with the council on <br />setting and achieving its goals, which made the council feel more successful in doing what it needed to do. <br />She thanked the Manager for his focus on economic development and the triple bottom line. She wanted <br />the organization to hone in on that work and establish specific benchmarks and partners so the council felt <br />the community was making progress. <br />Mayor Piercy expressed appreciation for the Manager's value of bringing people with different points of <br />view to find a way forward to a solution, which was a value she shared and which she thought critical for <br />the community. Mayor Piercy believed the values that went into the budget process were important and <br />reflective of the community's values. They spoke to the importance the organization placed on its <br />employees and its commitment to providing the community with services even in difficult economic <br />times. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 26, 2010 Page 4 <br />Work Session <br />
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