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CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
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4/14/2011 4:48:49 PM
City Council Minutes
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ignoring the rights of others. He suggested the council was acting on behalf of special interests. Mr. <br />Unger said that even if fuel prices tripled, most residents would still not ride EmX but would carpool with <br />neighbors to destinations such as Costco and the unemployment line. <br />Brian Weaver, 1365 Grant Street, recalled that Councilor Zelenka had once commented that "all of <br />sudden" people were transit experts. He did not think that was the case. He was not an expert nor was he <br />an LTD puppet. He was not going to be taken in by a "slick salesman who kept changing his stories." <br />Mr. Weaver did not think the Franklin EmX route could be compared with the proposed West Eugene <br />route because the route traveled down the middle of Franklin Boulevard and the road did not need to be <br />widened, and there were population concentrations at either route terminus. West 11"' Avenue did not <br />have similar characteristics. <br />Mr. Weaver asked if the council was voting on the mitigation drawings or the concept drawings and if it <br />was aware of the difference. He said that LTD submitted the concept drawings to the Federal Transit <br />Agency, and he anticipated that approach would require the use of eminent domain given that the <br />alternative was a system that resembled what was in place today. He said Mayor Piercy had indicated to <br />him that LTD had a survey proving public support for the proposed route, but the survey was on LTD's <br />Facebook page and he questioned its accuracy. He distributed copies of the survey. <br />1 <br />Philip Marvin, 2241 Fairmount Boulevard, opposed the West 11` Avenue EmX route. He owned <br />property on West 11` Avenue and said the existing bus system was more than adequate. He believed it <br />was irresponsible for LTD to accept federal money for the project when it was not needed. He also <br />owned property in Glenwood that the EmX system ran past and the system had not helped his business at <br />that location at all. <br />Marjorie Scott, 1642 West 6` Avenue, said in the past, LTD had relied on large grants to balance its <br />operating budget. She believed that those days were over because of the economy and reductions in <br />federal spending. She suggested that untimely expenditures at LTD could collapse the whole system. <br />Ms. Scott believed the council should be sure the majority of citizens wanted the system before it voted <br />on the route. She believed there were other more suitable routes and they should be investigated. She <br />said that LTD's estimates for future expenses varied widely. Ms. Scott called for an independent audit of <br />the project. She questioned whether LTD's estimates included the costs of relocating utilities, traffic <br />control, and business signage. She asked who would pay for costs overruns. She asked the council to do <br />more research before it voted. <br />Sue Scott, 1642 West 6` Avenue, read a letter on behalf of Casey Dressler, owner of the Springfield Dry <br />Cleaners. The letter was critical of LTD for failure to communicate with property owners about the <br />dedicated bus lane proposed to be located along Pioneer Parkway, detailed Ms. Dressler's fight to retain <br />parking on Pioneer Parkway, and described the negative impacts experienced by the business during <br />construction of the route. <br />Pauline Hutson, 1025 Taylor Street, continued to read Ms. Dressler's letter regarding the negative <br />experiences her business went through during the construction phase of the Gateway EmX project, <br />including lost sales. Ms. Dressler's letter stated that LTD had been unresponsive to those concerns. She <br />went on to state that two businesses near her had closed because of the project and that 113 buses traveled <br />by her business daily. Because of the proximity and number of buses, customers were reluctant to use the <br />parking spaces on Pioneer Parkway. Ms. Dressler stated that LTD had assured her that the route would <br />bring her more business but that never occurred. She supported bus transit but she did not support EmX. <br />George Cole, 2760 West 11`" Avenue, defended residents who supported a no build position for the <br />proposed West Eugene EmX route. They asked that government listen to them and give them value for <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council February 28, 2011 Page 3 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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