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CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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the money it was spending. He said none of the opponents were experts on transportation and did not <br />pretend to be, but all of them had contacted and communicated with experts. Many people retired from <br />government thought the project was a bad one. Mr. Cole said Mayor Piercy did not like strip malls such <br />as those along West l I 1 Avenue but such malls were essential to some businesses. <br />Mr. Cole said he had learned a $160,000 lesson from LTD because it threatened him with eminent <br />domain. He did not trust LTD. He said when LTD referred to mitigating with businesses it was only <br />trying to delay the process. Mr. Cole predicted that as Councilor Zelenka had suggested, it was only a <br />matter of time before LTD came after additional right -of -way on West 11` Avenue. <br />Rhiannon Springall, 1475 East 15"' Avenue, a University of Oregon student, supported the West Eugene <br />EmX route extension because it would make West Eugene more accessible to the rest of Eugene, <br />including students living in the vicinity of the University. She believed EmX was an investment in the <br />community's future, and suggested it would be wise to prepare for EmX now when congestion was less <br />than it would be in the future. She noted LTD's statement that it would work to minimize the impacts of <br />construction. Ms. Springall urged the council to look at the "big picture" and get a head start on <br />developing a more accessible, more efficient community. <br />Charles Hibberd, 2663 Dover Street, a business owner on West 11`" Avenue, opposed the proposed West <br />Eugene EmX route. He suggested that if three percent of the predicted 30,000 new residents anticipated <br />in the next 20 years arrived tomorrow and rode a bus, LTD would not notice a difference because that <br />three percent totaled only 1,600 people. Mr. Hibberd suggested the EmX service was unneeded because <br />the current system was underused. He recommended that LTD reroute its current buses for more <br />effective service. <br />Mr. Hibberd cited some of the nationally known products made by companies located in West Eugene, <br />and questioned their need for EmX service. They were industrial companies with few employees. Mr. <br />Hibberd suggested that they would be negatively affected by an EmX route because it would disrupt the <br />trucks that served those businesses. <br />Wendy Butler Boyesen, 1265 City View Street, suggested that EmX would streamline traffic on West <br />I I Avenue. She averred that businesses in West Eugene did not rely on West l I"' Avenue for truck <br />deliveries and instead used other routes, such as 6"' and 7 th avenues and Highway 99. Ms. Boyesen said <br />that eminent domain was the last resort for LTD. She maintained that LTD had stated from the beginning <br />of the project that the conceptual drawings were only ten percent of the final drawings, and there would <br />be mitigations and changes. <br />Ms. Boyesen reported she spoke to two businesses owners on West l I th Avenue who commended their <br />interaction with LTD staff. <br />Ms. Boyesen noted the many people who used the bus system, particularly when gas prices went up. She <br />then shared a story about Mall 205's refusal to allow buses to enter its parking area and suggested that <br />was the reason that the mall was not doing well. Ms. Boyesen praised LTD for having a balanced budget <br />and for adding buses with federal stimulus money. She maintained the current bus system along West <br />11"' Avenue was inadequate and she frequently had to ride buses with standing room only. <br />William Moskal, 1166 Oak Street, agreed that bus ridership went up when gas prices went up. However, <br />he expressed concern about the possible use of eminent domain, which made possible the development of <br />the Chicago Skyway Bridge, which he termed a "big white elephant" that turned its part of Chicago into a <br />ghetto. He did not think that EmX was needed in West Eugene. He observed that he had just been at the <br />Service Station and questioned the community's need for $1 million buses. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council February 28, 2011 Page 4 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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