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CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/28/11 Meeting
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4/14/2011 4:48:49 PM
City Council Minutes
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David Gizara, 3550 West Amazon Drive, Apartment 7, submitted and reviewed six talking points <br />regarding the merits of bicycling and walking that were developed by the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Advisory Committee (BPAC), which advised City Planning staff. He advised the council that the <br />committee supported the West Eugene EmX extension and favored the West 11` /13"' Avenue option. He <br />asked the council to consider expanding the committee's charge so it served directly at the council's <br />pleasure. <br />Councilor Taylor closed the Public Forum and called on the council for questions and comments. <br />Councilor Clark welcomed Boy Scout Troop 61 to the meeting. <br />Councilor Clark asked staff to identify which of the properties along West 11` and West 13`' Avenue <br />affected by the route would require property acquisition either through negotiation and purchase or <br />through eminent domain. He asked that the information be specific as to whether the acquisition was full <br />and partial and what percentage of the property in question the acquisition represented. <br />Councilor Clark requested information about the process, timing, and cost involved in referring the <br />council decision about the West Eugene EmX alignment to the public for a vote. <br />Councilor Brown responded to Mr. Callahan's testimony, saying he was not thinking about students when <br />he offered the resolution as much as he had been thinking about residents who lived below the poverty <br />line and his desire to avoid impacting them negatively. For that reason, he had offered the council a <br />resolution that he believed was more balanced, progressive, and did not overly burden those at the bottom <br />of the economic scale. He pointed out that five councilors had agreed to support the resolution, and the <br />public would have the final say. <br />Speaking to the Boy Scouts present, Councilor Ortiz said it was exciting when young people attended a <br />council meeting because of their interest in public service and government. She said the Public Forum <br />was an opportunity for the council to hear the public's concerns and stories, which were generally quite <br />varied and which she found both interesting and surprising. <br />City Manager Ruiz clarified that the City's population was projected to grow by 34,000 people in the next <br />20 years. <br />Councilor Taylor welcomed the Boy Scouts and expressed appreciation for Mr. Gizara's remarks. <br />2. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />A. Approval of City Council Minutes <br />- May 24, 2010, Work Session <br />- June 28, 2010, Regular Meeting <br />- June 30, 2010, Work Session <br />- July 12, 2010, Work Session <br />- November 22, 2010, Joint Meeting with Eugene Planning Commission <br />- December 13, 2010, Work Session <br />- December 15, 2010, Work Session <br />- January 4, 2011, State of the City <br />- January 11, 2011, Work Session <br />- January 11, 2011, Regular Meeting <br />- January 12, 2011, Work Session <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council February 28, 2011 Page 5 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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