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Open communication. <br />Match who you place on the HRC with what actually work you would like to see done. Make <br />sure skills are what you are looking for. <br />Provide HRC with specific topics to focus on. <br />- Let us know what you want from us. <br />- More robust discussion of annual HRC work plan to be sure it is focused and in alignment <br />with council. <br />- Regular check -ins on progress and emerging issues. <br />- Facilitate more fluid conversations with commissioners. <br />E -mail us at mavorandccCa), . If there is anything at all that you feel is <br />important and not getting any traction. That really does get my attention. <br />Ability to access members /council. <br />- Report back to both commission /council. <br />Provide opportunities for direct communication — either at meetings or one -on -one. <br />Once a month each commission rotates on council chamber to meet and talk about issues. <br />- Establish comfortable communication options — identify roles, how things work, what's okay, <br />what works, what are barriers. <br />Give us direction about issues to focus on. There are so many emerging issues that we <br />sometimes get sidetracked. <br />- Verbally, whenever possible, state your support of human rights. <br />Listen to us more carefully, in our needs to help the community. <br />What is your advice to HRC to strengthen relationship with City Council? <br />- Continue to bring forward concerns and issues to council attention. <br />- Create a HRC report quarterly or more often to let us know what you're hearing. <br />- Be clear if you speak for yourself or HRC. <br />- Give us perspectives that we might not normally consider or think of. <br />- Be a conduit for issues within HRC communities. <br />- Advise the council of the human rights implications related to decisions we are making. <br />- Meet with us to answer questions. <br />- Re -start advocacy program with adequate resources to work on case -load. <br />- Provide quarterly reports to help individual council people. <br />- Don't let any single issue consume you and get bogged down, losing sight of other issues. <br />- Continue "HRC Buddy" communications and monthly /weekly updates of activities /issues. <br />- Bring emerging issues to councils' attention as soon as possible even if there is no plan of <br />action in place. <br />- More robust discussion of annual HRC work plan to be sure it is focused and in alignment <br />with council. <br />- Regular check -ins on progress and emerging issues. <br />Bring emerging issue and critical issues to the council's attention and if possible ask for <br />council action. <br />Use multiple communication venues: one -on -ones, memos to council, liaisons, meetings with <br />council, in work sessions. <br />Ability to access members /council. <br />Personal invitations to outreach efforts — specific to wards. <br />Report back to council success /failure. <br />Report back to both commission /council. <br />- Stay tuned to council tentative agenda. There are issues you may want to ask questions <br />about, weigh in on, etc. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council May 18, 2011 Page 5 <br />Work Session <br />