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Liked what Chris said would love to read result of that conversation (referencing the behavior <br />versus condition conversation). <br />Help council see all the flavors and sides and colors of what a just city would look like to <br />you. <br />Communicate how we get there. <br />Focus your efforts, don't spread yourself too thin, be reasonable about what is possible. <br />- Remember you are part of the "City structure" and advisory to council should be a main <br />focus. <br />- Be proactive not reactive. Focus on small wins and successes. <br />Mayor Piercy adjourned the work session at 1:28 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Beth Forrest <br />City Recorder <br />(Recorded by Kimberly Young) <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council May 18, 2011 Page 6 <br />Work Session <br />