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CC Minutes - 05/25/11 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/25/11 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Clark recalled the Eugene Comprehensive Lands Assessment (ECLA) indicated that 1,800 acres of <br />residential land were needed to ensure a 20 -year supply. That meant the City had to expand the UGB, <br />change the Land Use Code so growth could be accommodated within the UGB, or a combination of the <br />two approaches. Ms. Gardner concurred. Ms. Weiss pointed out the number mentioned by Mr. Clark was <br />based on past development patterns. The CRG's Technical Resource Group (TRG) was examining the <br />capacity that existed on partially vacant land existing inside the city as well as some of the assumptions <br />underlying the number, which she believed would reduce the needed acreage. <br />Mr. Clark said Strategy 1 of the Climate & Energy pillar called for an increasing proportion of residents <br />to live in 20- minute neighborhoods. He recalled discussing with the Sustainability Commission the <br />possibility that development outside the UGB would largely be mixed use, which implied that land for <br />supporting commercial uses would be needed. Strategy 1 of the Economic Opportunities pillar called for <br />meeting all the community's commercial acreage needs inside the UGB. Mr. Clark asked how those <br />strategies could be reconciled. Ms. Weiss said Strategy 1 of the Economic Opportunities pillar included a <br />note stating the strategy did not preclude the designation of small amounts of commercial land within <br />areas that expand to accommodate other uses. "Small" had not yet been defined. Ms. Weiss said the <br />strategy was intended to convey that commercial land would not be the impetus for a UGB expansion; <br />however, if the UGB was expanded for other uses, it made sense to include commercial acreage to serve <br />those uses. <br />Mr. Clark endorsed the revision to modify the "Protect, repair, and enhance neighborhood livability" <br />pillar to include mention of the River Road -Santa Clara Transition Plan. He recalled that the council <br />accepted, rather than adopted, the plan, and asked how staff interpreted that action. He pointed out that if <br />the council were to accept all the recommendations in the transition plan, an action which he supported, it <br />could potentially increase the amount of land needed outside the UGB. Mr. Clark was unclear about what <br />the word "mention" meant, and pointed out the River Road /Santa Clara residents had expressed their <br />desire for the plan goals to be codified. Ms. Weiss said the neighborhood associations had indicated <br />interest in having two specific goals in the transition plan referenced in the pillars so they could be <br />recognized as a starting point for the area refinement planning effort. <br />Mr. Brown questioned whether the City had sufficient evidence to warrant expansion of the UGB for <br />industrial use. He suggested there was a natural limitation on industrial growth in Eugene created by a <br />community desire to preserve wetlands and farmlands. He did not think the proposed number of acres to <br />be added was fully vetted. Ms. Gardner indicated the number was recommended by a subgroup of the <br />CRG tasked to work on economic development and was based on the size and diversity of the businesses <br />that the community wished to attract. She also recalled the public testimony in support of the number. <br />Ms. Gardner emphasized that any expansion would occur within the framework of State and local <br />policies. <br />Mr. Brown was not comfortable including the number in the document because the council had not <br />discussed the issue sufficiently. He also expressed concern about expanding the UGB for housing <br />development because it was his understanding there was sufficient residential land inside the UGB to <br />address future demand. Ms. Gardner said staff was not asking the council to make a decision about any <br />of the recommendations now, but was sharing a vision prepared with broad community outreach that <br />appeared to represent a majority position on the CRG. Ms. Weiss said staff would return in July with <br />information about potential expansion areas, which could help inform the council's discussion about the <br />needed amount. <br />Mayor Piercy pointed out to Mr. Brown that staff was presenting the work of the CRG and the results of <br />community input to the council. The council would make the final decisions about the plan. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council May 25, 2011 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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