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CC Minutes - 05/25/11 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/25/11 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Zelenka shared Mr. Brown's concerns and suggested that the document be revised to reflect that "up <br />to" 400 -500 acres would be needed. He agreed that more council discussion was needed before it made <br />such a bold policy statement. Mr. Zelenka also wanted to hear more about the proposed revision related <br />to UGB expansion for housing development. He thought Mr. Clark made a good point about the need for <br />supporting commercial development but questioned the relationship of that expansion to the commercial <br />lands inventory, as he interpreted such an action as creating an immediate surplus of commercial land. <br />Mr. Zelenka said the reference to "energy price uncertainty" in Strategy 3 of the Climate & Energy pillar <br />was more appropriately phrased as "energy price volatility and variability." In addition, the phrasing of <br />the strategy made it appear that it referred to climate change uncertainty. Mr. Zelenka said climate <br />change was certain and the City had done considerable work on the topic. He asked for the text to be <br />revised and indicated that otherwise he would have a difficult time supporting the other revisions. <br />Mayor Piercy reiterated her previous point about the fact the council was reviewing the work of the CRG <br />and the public, and until the council reached a decision point she believed the text needed to be <br />sufficiently inclusive to accommodate those points of view. However, she believed that it would be <br />appropriate to use the phrase "up to" as suggested by Mr. Zelenka. Mr. Clark pointed out that the CRG <br />had also discussed a larger number. Mayor Piercy indicated she was attempting to reach a compromise <br />position. <br />Mr. Farr advocated against revising the document at this point. <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Farr, Mr. Duncan described the methodology being used by the TRG <br />to determine the capacity that existed in the form of large lots currently developed with a single - family <br />house. That included an examination of all lots over three acres in size using aerial maps. It was possible <br />the TRG would recommend that the City include some of that acreage in the inventory of residential land. <br />Mr. Farr pointed out that many property owners would not develop their land beyond its current status. <br />He wanted assurance that what was identified as available land inside the UGB was really available, and <br />did not just look available. Mr. Duncan indicated that the TRG was also working to determine why lots <br />were partially developed. Mr. Farr pointed out that some people owned large lots because they did not <br />want a close -by neighbor. <br />Speaking to the concerns voiced by Mr. Brown and Mr. Zelenka, Ms. Gardner recommended that the <br />council postpone action at this time. The staff would continue to dialogue with the community and would <br />return to the council periodically to share that input. She reiterated the mayor's point that the final <br />framework would be established by the council. <br />Mr. Pryor suggested the discomfort felt by councilors was based on the fact people were trying to gauge <br />their intentions. He agreed that the council did not need to act at this time. <br />Mr. Clark advised Planning Division staff to ensure that it realistically managed the expectations of River <br />Road /Santa Clara residents. He believed those residents wanted the transition plan to be codified so it had <br />"teeth" to protect neighborhood livability. That was different from including the goals in the plan and <br />hoping they were achieved. <br />Mr. Clark expressed concern that the percentage shift in the mix of single - family and multi - family would <br />result in leapfrog sprawl. He called for more conversation about that topic. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council May 25, 2011 Page 3 <br />Work Session <br />
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