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1 , _ . _ •. <br />LAND USE <br />Future land use decisions for, the Westside Neighborhood - shoul take into account <br />its older homes, tree-lined streets, and single -- family nature:. 'These - character- <br />i sti cs are comp atible with medium -- density uses,: but extensi�ve.. to <br />medium density should be prevented west of Washington st reet. Jf : vacant parcel - S, <br />or those with unsa1 vageabl a buildings, are considered for: redevelopment; it : <br />should be planned carefully to be consistent with and appropri to: the - un.i que <br />character of the neighborhood. <br />GOAL The City of Eugene through i is goal's and policies shall' copse rve <br />restore, and improve the character and quality of residential areas <br />in the Westsi de Neighborhood; decisions which affect. the land use <br />and developm or redevelopment, of the' Westsi de Ne i ghborheod <br />shall contribute to the conservation and improvement of • the area. <br />ei hborhood commercial servi should,e ro� <br />The need for future n b <br />9 P • , . <br />vi ded in commercially-zoned areas bordering the nei -ghbo rhood and <br />should not be allowed to expand into residential areas -. _ <br />Discussion of the Goal <br />One of the assumptions made i n the 1974 Eugene Goals and Policies conference . di s- <br />cus s i on wa that "Eugene "s older neighborhoods, graced wi th tree --1 i ned .,t treets <br />and architectural quality and character, will further deteriorate .unless public <br />p olicies are altered" (page 3) . The We stsi de Neighborhood 'is one of Eugene's <br />oldest residential nei ghborhoods. Approximately 60 percent of "iis housing was <br />built before 1936, compared with less than 20 percent in the city as a whol e: - <br />Ironically, the same factors- -age, 1 ocation, ' and character ---- which give the neigh- <br />borhood its outstanding resi dential qualities allowed in some ways• to work <br />against the '' area , lessening its viability. - <br />Public goals and policies do exist which mandate the protection of -i nner -city <br />nei ghborhoods. The 1990 Plan includes a goal that the cl ty ...must create .and <br />preserve worthwhile distinctive qualities in our neighborhoods" (page 9 ). and <br />the objective that "Eugene establish or mai'ntal n a sense of neighborhood i dente <br />ti ty" (page 59 ) . among the policies adopted by the.City Council' as part the <br />1974 Community Goals and Policies were statements that Eugene should increase <br />its effort p <br />s to reserve, restore, and improve the quality of: i ts inner - of ty_ <br />neighborhoods (page 9), and that existing living areas within walking distance <br />of commercial services should be encouraged (page 17). <br />Man y � cities thro the United states are seeking now to revitalize thei r <br />inner --city neighborhoods reversing the trend of the past two decades of move- <br />ment out of the central cities to suburban communities. Concern . about'. -energy <br />conservati on commuter congests on, • automobi 1 e pol 1 uti on, hi gh eonstructi ors <br />d service costs and the economic viability l i t of downtown areas have all con- - <br />an _ Y <br />tri buted to thi s attempt. <br />The City. of Eug ene already has adopted policies which support .the conservation <br />g y, P _ i <br />and enhancement of inner -city - ne-i ghborhoods . What remai to be done is to es- <br />• d_ as a livable urban 1 <br />tabl z sh a specific f � c cornm� trnent to the Westsi de Nei � ghborhoo <br />neighborhood and adopt specific means of implementing that goal. <br />