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Ordinance No. 20441
City of Eugene
2009 No. 20426-20449
Ordinance No. 20441
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/16/2011 12:09:02 PM
Creation date
9/16/2011 12:09:00 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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implemented at the local level. The TPR (OAR 660 - 012 -0060) states that when land use changes, <br /> including amendments to acknowledged comprehensive plans, significantly affect an existing or <br /> planned transportation facility the local government shall put in place measures to assure that the <br /> allowed land uses are consistent with the identified function, capacity and performance standards <br /> (level of service, volume to capacity ratio, etc.) of the thcility. <br /> Section 9.8670 of the Eugene Code, 1971, requires a development applicant to comply with the <br /> City's Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Review code provisions if the proposed development will <br /> "generate 100 or more vehicle trips during any peak hour as determined by using the most recent <br /> edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Manual." One of the stated <br /> purposes of the City's TIA Review requirement is "to ensure that developments which will generate <br /> a significant amount of traffic, cause an increase in traffic that will contribute to traffic problems in <br /> the area, or result in levels of service of the roadway system in the vicinity of the development that <br /> do not meet adopted level of service standards provide the facilities necessary to accommodate the <br /> • traffic impact of the proposed development." <br /> The City's TIA Review follows a Type II process and is approved or conditionally approved upon <br /> the applicant's demonstration of compliance with the following criteria at EC 9.8680: <br /> (1) Traffic control devices and public or private improvements as necessary to <br /> achieve the purposes listed in this section will be implemented. These improvements <br /> may include, but are not limited to, street and intersection improvements, sidewalks, <br /> bike lanes, traffic control signs and signals, parking regulation, driveway location, <br /> and street lighting. <br /> (2) Public improvements shall be designed and constructed to the standards <br /> specified in EC 9.6505 Improvements - Specifications. The requirement of • <br /> improvements based on a traffic impact analysis does not negate the ability of the <br /> city traffic engineer to require improvements by other means specified in this code or <br /> rules or regulations adopted thereunder. <br /> (3) • An exception to any or all of the requirements listed in the "Standards for <br /> Traffic Impact Analyses" for development that generate less than 100 trips in any <br /> peak hour may be granted if the applicant demonstrates that the study is not <br /> • necessary in order to demonstrate compliance with this subsection. <br /> (4) In addition to the above criteria, if the Traffic Impact Analysis Review was <br /> required based on EC 9.8670(4), the improvements shall also address the structural <br /> • capacity of the street in the County's jurisdiction and address identified structural <br /> deficiencies, or reduction in the useful life of existing street structures related to the <br /> • proposed development. Improvements may be needed to eliminate the identified <br /> structural deficiencies and to accommodate vehicle impacts to structures. <br /> In accordance with the above - quoted Eugene City code provisions, prior to the any development on <br /> the subject property that will generate more than 100 peak hour trips per day, the developer will • <br /> need to prepare a TIA Review that parallels the TPR analysis required by Statewide Planning Goal <br /> 12. Because of the size of the subject property (approximately 63 acres), the number of allowed <br /> Findings of Consistency <br /> Pages <br /> • <br />
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