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single- family dwelling units would be in excess of 300 units. Based on the ITE Trip Generation <br /> Manual, 300 residential units would generate an estimated 300 PM peak trips, far exceeding the <br /> number of PM peak trips that would trigger the City's TIA Review code provisions. Because no <br /> development that will generate more than 100. PM peak trips will be able to occur on the subject <br /> property without the a demonstration of compliance with the City's TIA Review requirements, <br /> postponing the TPR/Goal 12 analysis so that it can occur concurrently with the TIA Review <br /> analysis is reasonable and practicable. As means of ensuring that any development that occurs on <br /> the subject property is consistent with Goal 12, the following condition of approval will be imposed <br /> on the Metro Plan amendment: <br /> • <br /> Prior to the approval of any land division or site review application for the Property <br /> • referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance, in addition to any applicable requirements <br /> of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Review in the Eugene City Code, the applicant <br /> shall submit to the City a traffic impact analysis that demonstrates consistency with <br /> the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) at OAR 660 -12 -0060. At•the applicant's <br /> choice, this TPR analysis may be submitted and processed simultaneously with the <br /> TIA Review. <br /> Additionally, as a means of ensuring that DLCD and ODOT receive notice of the proposed <br /> development, the following condition of approval will be imposed on the Metro Plan amendment: <br /> Upon receipt of any land division or site review application for the Property <br /> referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance the City shall provide notice to DLCD in <br /> the same manner as the City provides notice for a post - acknowledged plan _ <br /> amendment. <br /> Based on the above -two conditions of approval, the proposal is consistent with Statewide Planning <br /> • Goal 12. • <br /> Goal 13 - Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. <br /> Statewide Planning Goal 13 calls for land uses to be managed and controlled "so as to maximize the <br /> conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic principles." Goal 13 is directed at <br /> the development of local energy policies and implementing provisions and does not state <br /> requirements with respect to other types of land use decisions. It is not clear that the goal has any <br /> • bearing on a site-specific decision such as the one at issue. There is no implementing rule that <br /> clarifies the requirements of Goal 13. To the extent that Goal 13 could be applied to the proposed <br /> change in designation, the designation is consistent with Goal 13. The proposed site is located so <br /> that a future development can make efficient use of energy with direct and efficient access. The <br /> proposal is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 13. <br /> • Goal 14 - Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land <br /> use. <br /> The amendments do not effect the transition from rural to urban land use, as the subject property is <br /> within the Eugene - Springfield Urban Growth Boundary limits. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal • <br /> Findings of Consistency . <br /> Page 6 <br />