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1.3 <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective:Provide human rights education through speakers and <br /> <br /> <br /> workshops <br /> <br />Tasks: <br />&UHDWHD+XPDQ5LJKWV&RPPLVVLRQVSHDNHU·VEXUHDXDQGEULQJ <br />presentations about human rights to community groups <br /> <br />Hold a human rights framework workshop for local social justice groups <br /> <br /> <br />1.3 <br /> <br />Objective:Respond to requests for HRC event sponsorships and financial <br />assistance from community groups; present awards for human <br /> <br /> <br />rights contributions <br /> <br /> <br />Tasks: <br />Assess current community event support system and spread awareness of <br />it within the community <br /> <br />Continue to provide Human Rights Day staff award and MLK community <br />award annually <br /> <br />Explore and create award as incentive for youth efforts to learn and <br />participate in events on human rights learning <br /> <br />