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Goal <br /> 2 <br />Maintain strategic HRC liaisons and engage in cooperative endeavors with <br />the community and with City of Eugene advisory groups that support <br />human rights and social equity <br />2.1 <br />Advise and work with City Council <br />Objective: <br /> <br /> <br />Tasks: <br />Provide Council with quarterly reports of work accomplished regarding <br />human rights issues <br /> <br />Maintain strong relationships with Council liaison <br /> <br />Regularly advise Council on human rights issues or concerns <br /> <br />Collaborate with council on recruitment and selection of new <br />commissioners keeping in mind work plan goals <br /> <br />2.2 <br />Increase the effectiveness of Human Rights Commission liaison <br /> Objective: <br />relationships <br /> <br /> <br />Tasks: <br />In collaboration with Equity and Human Rights staff, establish an effective <br />system for liaison relationships. <br /> <br />Request quarterly reports from liaisons. <br /> <br />'HVLJQDFOHDUGHVFULSWLRQRIOLDLVRQ·VUROHVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />