<br />General Fund dollars. Based on the site’s medium-density residential zone designation prescribed in the
<br />Willakenzie Area Plan and Metro Plan, staff provided information to the council that estimated the site
<br />would accommodate approximately 115 units.
<br />
<br />Development of the County Farm landbank site and the surrounding area is prescribed by the
<br />Willakenzie Area Plan (WAP), the Land Use Code (Eugene Code Chapter 9), and the Metro Plan. The
<br />WAP guides the provision of public services, such as wastewater and street improvements, and serves as
<br />a basis for evaluating private development proposals, such as zone change requests. The WAP provides
<br />a common framework for those engaged in the conservation, development, and redevelopment of the
<br />area. The WAP was prepared by a group of residents and property owners who live and work in the
<br />Willakenzie area, aided by staff from the City of Eugene, Eugene Water & Electric Board, Eugene
<br />School District 4J, Lane Transit District, Lane Council of Governments, City of Springfield, and Lane
<br />County. In 1992, the Eugene City Council adopted the WAP as policy direction for public and private
<br />decisions affecting the growth and development of the Willakenzie area.
<br />
<br />To implement the WAP, the City initiated a series of Metro Plan amendments to ensure consistency
<br />between the two policy documents. Both plans designate this property (as well as others along the west
<br />side of County Farm Road) as medium-density residential (MDR). The WAP indicates that the land
<br />subsequently purchased as a landbank site and surrounding parcels are an opportunity area to provide
<br />needed housing for all income groups. Broader policy direction found in the WAP (i.e. Residential
<br />Policies and Proposed Actions) is provided to encourage greater residential densities in areas, like that
<br />of the landbank site and surrounding parcels, that have good access to commercial services, public open
<br />space, schools, parks, transit, and other modes of transportation.
<br />
<br />In 2001, a tentative subdivision application was submitted for the parcel just north of the City’s
<br />landbank site. The applicants proposed Mountain Terrace, a 62-lot subdivision. The approval of this
<br />medium- density tentative subdivision application was appealed by James Spickerman, representing a
<br />group of neighbors living primarily west of the site on Park View Drive. The appellants challenged the
<br />Planning Director’s approval of the proposed subdivision based on density, compatibility, traffic and
<br />parking impacts, lack of open space, and the extension of Park View Drive. Public notices of the
<br />application, and then following approval, the appeal hearing were mailed to nearby residences. The
<br />tentative subdivision approval was upheld by Eugene’s Hearing’s official.
<br />
<br />In 2009, City staff submitted an annexation application for the landbank site. In accordance with City
<br />requirements, City planning staff sent notices of the proposed annexation to more than 175 neighbors
<br />and other interested parties, including the Cal Young Neighborhood Association (CYNA). On May 11,
<br />2009, the City Council unanimously approved formally bringing the land into city limits, and allowing
<br />the property to be potentially rezoned for multifamily affordable housing. During the public forum at
<br />the City Council meeting, one neighbor requested a park be provided for the area of north Eugene.
<br />
<br />In 2010, City staff submitted a zone change application for the landbank site. In accordance with City
<br />requirements, City planning staff posted a sign on the site and sent notices of the proposed zone change
<br />to more than 175 neighbors and other interested parties, including the CYNA. In addition to informing
<br />neighbors of how to provide comments, the notice informed neighbors that the change request was for
<br />an affordable housing landbank site The Eugene Hearing’s Official received one piece of written
<br />testimony, along with verbal testimony from two County Farm landbank site neighbors. The Hearing’s
<br />Official approved rezoning the property to Medium-Density Residential (MDR) on July 28, 2010,
<br /> S:\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M111116\S111116B.doc
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