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<br />A written comment period followed the July HPB meeting, and was announced along with the public <br />hearing date in The Register-Guard. The announcement was also provided to the Cal Young <br />Neighborhood Association and to an interested parties list. <br /> <br />Due to concerns raised (see Attachment E for summary of concerns) at the public hearing in September, <br />the HPB delayed its scheduled action to make a final recommendation to the council and added a tour of <br />affordable housing sites (October 12), community forum (October 26), and an additional public hearing <br />(November 9). The HPB also extended the written comment period to November 9. The HPB will <br />decide on its recommendation to the City Council on November 14. The City Council will hold a work <br />session to discuss the forthcoming HPB recommendation on November 16 and is scheduled to take <br />action November 28. A summary of the HPB public hearing, public comments received, and the HPB <br />meeting will be provided to the council. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The proposed project supports multiple City priorities and policies including the Eugene-Springfield <br />2010 Consolidated Plan, Growth Management Policies, and the Housing Dispersal Policy. <br /> <br />Eugene-Springfield 2010 Consolidated Plan <br /> -This plan identifies a need for affordable housing for <br />low-income persons and sets a five-year goal of developing 500 new units of affordable housing. The <br />proposed project directly supports the objective by creating 101 units for low-income families and <br />individuals. <br /> <br />Eugene Adopted Growth Management Policies <br /> - The City of Eugene affordable housing development <br />programs and Bascom Village support multiple Growth Management Policies. <br /> <br />Housing Dispersal Policy <br /> - The City Council has established a Housing Dispersal Policy which seeks to <br />maximize housing choices for low-income families and integrate housing throughout the City of Eugene. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br /> <br />No formal action is required at this time. <br /> <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />No action is required on this item. Therefore, no recommendations are offered by the City Manager. <br /> <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br /> <br />No action is required on this item. Therefore, no motions are suggested. <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br /> <br /> <br />A.Housing Dispersal Policy <br /> <br />B.List of Evaluation Committee and Housing Policy Board Members <br /> <br />C.Summary of Early Efforts Made to Solicit Input <br /> <br />D.Bascom Village Summary <br /> S:\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M111116\S111116B.doc <br /> <br />