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Item B: Ordinance on Unruly Gatherings
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2012
CC Agenda - 04/23/12 Work Session
Item B: Ordinance on Unruly Gatherings
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4/20/2012 3:46:20 PM
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4/20/2012 11:43:31 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />In November 2000, the City Council adopted Ordinance 20217, known as the Special Response <br />Ordinance, which established a fee for police responses to gatherings with more than 25 people. The <br />ordinance is not effective in abating negative impacts from loud gatherings; only one first response fee <br />has been assessed since the ordinance’s adoption, and no money was collected. The proposed social <br />host ordinance would address several of the problems with this existing legislation, and is further <br />addressed in the section entitled “Stakeholder Perspectives.” <br /> <br />Social host ordinances are considered best practices in other communities with large higher education <br />institutions to reduce the negative impacts of unruly alcohol-fueled parties and to reduce the serious <br />public health problems associated with binge drinking by young adults. This is accomplished through <br />increasing accountability and liability for repeated offenses, for both the person holding or hosting the <br />parties, as well as for the property owner on whose property the parties are held. More detailed <br />information about the proposed ordinance is contained in Attachment B. <br /> <br />Metrics and Goals <br />The goal of this legislation is to reduce the perceived negative impacts caused by alcohol-fueled parties. <br />To assess the impact and effectiveness of the ordinance, staff will monitor the number of complaints <br />received that are related to loud parties over time. Based on a manual count of police records, there <br />have been approximately 550 complaints around the University from September 2011, through March <br />2012. For the same seven-month period last year, the number of complaints was 560, with a total of 863 <br />for the year. To assess the effectiveness of this program, staff will continue to monitor complaints and <br />evaluate any changes is the number of complaints. The EPD employs a data led policing model, using <br />data to drive where and how the police are deployed to reduced criminal activity. This proposal is based <br />on documented problems and focuses the response to where the problems are. <br /> <br />In addition to complaint data, information can be provided about the number of first response warnings <br />and citations issued. The problem with this data is that it is largely a measure of the Police <br />Department’s capacity, rather than public demand; the number of citations or warnings is dependent <br />upon the Police Department’s capacity to respond to this public nuisance. If the number of citations or <br />warnings increases or decreases, it is not possible to determine how much of the change is caused by a <br />change in the demand (complaints) or a change in the supply (police resources). <br /> <br />In addition to analyzing complaints, staff will monitor the frequency the civil penalties are assessed, to <br />determine if this is a tool that is effective at addressing the problem of properties that are chronically <br />hosting unruly gatherings. For this proposal, during the 2010 – 2011, school year, there were six <br />properties where four or more complaints for loud parties were received from Thursday through <br />Saturday. This ordinance would have potentially affected no more than six property owners last year. <br />Through April, there are 10 addresses that have received more than four complaints Thursday through <br />Saturday. <br /> <br />It is believed that this strategy will contribute to a reduction in the frequency of unruly gatherings by <br />holding both organizers and property owners accountable. Social host ordinances are now a common <br />tool used to address this issue and have been enacted in over 150 cities and counties in 27 states. While <br />not a silver bullet to what is a complex community problem, other communities have found social host <br />ordinances to be an effective deterrent. Research conducted at 14 public universities in California <br />revealed the largest decrease in off-campus binge drinking at those institutions that had aggressive <br />enforcement programs that included social host ordinances coupled with strong media campaigns. <br /> S:\CMO\2012 Council Agendas\M120423\S120423B.doc <br /> <br />
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