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Ordinance No. 20492
City of Eugene
2012 No. 20485-20503
Ordinance No. 20492
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/4/2012 3:54:53 PM
Creation date
6/4/2012 3:43:06 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
Supplemental fields
An Ordinance Concerning Infill Compatibility Standards Related to Multi-Family Developments, ...; and Amending Sections 9.0500, 9.2750, 9.2751, 9.3125, 9.3626, 9.5500, 9.6105, 9.6410, 9.6740, 9.6745, and 9.8030 of the Eugene Code, 1971.
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rack according to Figure 9.6105(2) Bicycle Parking Standards. <br />2. Bicycles may be tipped vertically for storage, but not hung above <br />the floor. Such vertical parking spaces shall be at least 2 feet <br />wide, 4 feet deep, and no higher than 6 feet, and have a 5 foot <br />access aisle. <br />3. Except pie- shaped lockers, bicycle lockers shall be at least 6 feet <br />long, 2 feet wide and 4 feet high, and have a 5 foot access aisle. <br />4. Pie - shaped bicycle lockers shall be at least 6 feet long, 3 feet wide <br />at the widest end, and 4 feet high, and have a 5 foot access aisle <br />(c) With the exception of individual bicycle lockers, enclosures or rooms, <br />long term and short term bicycle parking shall consist of a securely fixed <br />structure that supports the bicycle frame in a stable position without <br />damage to wheels, frame, or components and that allows the frame and <br />both wheels to be locked to the rack by the bicyclist's own locking <br />device. <br />(d) Areas devoted to required bicycle parking spaces shall be hard surfaced <br />with concrete, compacted asphaltic concrete mix, pavers or an <br />equivalent. All racks and lockers shall be securely anchored to such <br />surface. <br />(e) Direct access from the bicycle parking area to the public right -of -way <br />shall be provided with access ramps, if necessary, and pedestrian <br />access from the bicycle parking area to the building entrance. <br />(3) Long Term Bicycle Parking Location and Security. <br />(a) Long term bicycle parking required in association with a commercial, <br />industrial, or institutional use shall be provided in a well - lighted, secure <br />location, sheltered from precipitation and within a convenient distance of <br />a main entrance. A secure location is defined as one in which the <br />bicycle parking is: <br />1. A bicycle locker, <br />2. A lockable bicycle enclosure, or <br />3. Provided within a lockable room with racks complying with space <br />standards at EC 9.6105(2). <br />(b) Long term bicycle parking required in association with a multiple - family <br />residential use shall be provided in a well - lighted, secure location <br />sheltered from precipitation, and within a convenient distance of an <br />entrance to the residential unit. A secure location is defined as one in <br />which the bicycle parking is provided outside the residential unit within: <br />1. A lockable garage; <br />2. A lockable room serving multiple dwelling units with racks <br />complying with space standards at EC 9.6105(2); <br />3. A lockable room serving only one dwelling unit; <br />4. A lockable bicycle enclosure; or <br />5. A bicycle locker. <br />(c) Long term bicycle parking shall be provided at ground level unless a <br />ramp no less than 2 feet in width or an elevator with a minimum depth or <br />width of 6 feet is easily accessible to an approved bicycle parking area. <br />If bicycle parking is provided on upper floors, the number of required <br />spaces provided on each floor cannot exceed the number of spaces <br />required for the use on that floor as per Table 9.6105(5). <br />(4) Short Term Bicycle Parking Location and Security. <br />(a) Short term bicycle parking shall be provided: <br />Ordinance - Page 9 of 16 <br />
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