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1. Provides an equivalent or greater degree of vehicular and <br />pedestrian circulation. <br />2. Traditional block patterns that reduce the apparent scale of large <br />developments by breaking the site up into smaller land units. <br />(See also EC 9.6810 Block Length <br />(e) Site Access and Internal Circulation The requirements set forth in EC <br />9.5500(11) may be adjusted in accordance with the criteria in this <br />subsection. In the case of an adjustment, all of the following standards <br />apply: <br />1. Sidewalks may be designed as curbside walks only along those <br />portions of the private streets providing parallel on- street parking. <br />2. Street trees may be placed in tree wells or adjacent to the <br />sidewalk. <br />(f) Vehicle Parking The requirements set forth in EC 9.5500(12) may be <br />adjusted if the proposal achieves to the same degree as would strict <br />compliance with the standards all of the following: <br />1. Limitations on the use of continuous parking drives in large -scale <br />multiple - family developments. <br />2. Limitations on the size of individual parking lots in multiple - family <br />development. <br />3. Minimal negative aspects of parking uses in multiple - family <br />developments. <br />Where cost considerations preclude parking beneath or within <br />residential buildings, combinations of partial and interrupted parking <br />drives; on- street parking; and small, dispersed parking courts are an <br />acceptable alternative. <br />(30) Driveways and Parking Areas in R -3 and R -4. The standards at EC <br />9.2751(15)(1) may be adjusted if the applicant demonstrates that any <br />hardscaped or non - landscaped areas are separated from the driveway and <br />associated parking area, and that vehicle access and parking is physically <br />precluded. <br />Section 12 . Figure 9.2751(8) is adopted as reflected on Exhibit A attached to this <br />Ordinance. <br />Section 13 . Figure 9.2751(13)(b)1. is relabeled as Figure 9.2751(14)(b)1. as reflected on <br />Exhibit B attached to this Ordinance. <br />Section 14 . Figure 9.2751(15) is adopted as reflected on Exhibit C attached to this <br />Ordinance. <br />Section 15 . Map 9.5500(9)(a)2.d. is adopted as reflected on Exhibit D attached to this <br />Ordinance. <br />Ordinance - Page 15 of 16 <br />