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setbacks, provided these structures are screened as per EC 9.6210(6) Full <br />Screen Fence Landscape Standard (L -6) and provided vision clearance is <br />maintained in accordance with the requirements of EC 9.6780 Vision <br />Clearance Area Exceptions shall be made for such features as transformers, <br />back flow prevention devices and closures, which already have a low visual <br />impact. <br />Section 11 . Subsection (8) of Section 9.8030 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended, <br />and a new subsection (30) is added, to provide as follows: <br />9.8030 Adjustment Review - Approval Criteria The planning director shall approve, <br />conditionally approve, or deny an adjustment review application. Approval or <br />conditional approval shall be based on compliance with the following applicable <br />criteria. <br />(8) Multiple - Family Standards Adjustment. Where this land use code provides <br />that the multiple - family standards may be adjusted, the standards may be <br />adjusted upon finding that the design achieves all of the following: <br />(a) Maximum Building Dimension The requirements set forth in EC <br />9.5500(6)(a) may be adjusted if the proposal creates building massing <br />and /or facades that: <br />1. Create a vibrant street facade with visual detail. <br />2. Provide multiple entrances to building or yards. <br />(b) Building Articulation The requirements set forth in EC 9.5500(7) may <br />be adjusted if the proposed building design: <br />1. Utilizes architectural masses, features or details to distinguish <br />elements of the building. <br />2. Defines entryways in appropriate scales. <br />(c) Open Space The requirements set forth in EC 9.5500(9), except for the <br />amount of open space required per Table 9.5500(9) Open Space <br />Requirements may be adjusted if the applicant demonstrates <br />consistency with all of the following: <br />1. The requested adjustment will allow the project to achieve an <br />equivalent or higher quality design of open space than would <br />result from strict adherence to the standards through: <br />a. Enhanced public and private spaces that contribute <br />positively to the site, streetscape, and adjoining properties. <br />Design elements for this purpose may include high quality <br />materials, outdoor seating, enhanced pedestrian space, <br />pedestrian - scaled lighting, canopy trees and other <br />landscape materials and other user amenities; and <br />b. An overall site design that promotes safety, security and <br />privacy, and reduces visual, noise, and lighting impacts of <br />development on adjacent properties. <br />2. When abutting property is zoned R -1 Low - Density Residential, the <br />design provides an appropriate combination of setbacks, <br />landscaping and screening to buffer between the multiple family <br />development and the adjacent Low - Density Residential zone. <br />(d) Block Requirement The requirements set forth in EC 9.5500(10) may <br />be adjusted if the proposal achieves at least one of the following: <br />Ordinance - Page 14 of 16 <br />